- Are pets allowed in the apartment? 可以饲养宠物吗?
- Are pets allowed? 允许带宠物入住吗?
- Our main products are pet apparels, pet bedding, pet toys etc. 主要产品有宠物衣服、宠物床、宠物玩具等。
- The only animals you see in the streets are pet pekinese. 路上唯一看得见的动物是宠物狮子狗。
- Billy : Yep. I still hate the concept, though. It's like the boards are pets! 比利:没错。不过我还是很讨厌这个概念。彷佛冲浪板是宠物似的!
- Their houses were immaculately neat and tidy, with no pets allowed by order of Denis. 他们的家打扫得干干净净,布置得有条有理。丹尼斯还规定家里不准养任何爱畜。
- However, if you're renting an "apartment" or "condo" (condominium), you can only have pets on those "pets allowed" or 'pets welcome" places. 但对于出租公寓或数人合租的房子,只能在同意或欢迎宠物的屋中饲养。
- Task of incentives in the big games are pets, badges and other interesting props, show the sincerity of the game. 任务奖励大都是游戏里的宠物、徽章等趣味性道具,显示出了游戏开发的诚意。
- My grandma's hands are petting her cat. Pet, pet, pet. 我的奶奶的手正在抚摸她的猫。抚摸,抚摸,抚摸。
- Central AC, Stove, full new remodeled interior, brand new carpet. No pet allowed. 中央冷气,炉头,全新装修,全新地毯,没宠物
- There are pet shops and pet markets all over the place, that are selling large-size dogs and no one has cracked down. 到处都有宠物商店和市场出售大狗,没有人去干涉。
- No pets allowed. 不许带宠物住店。
- Many pets are victims of overfeeding. 有许多宠物因喂食过量而遭殃。
- She seems to love licking, and being petted. 牠很喜欢舔人,也很喜欢被人抚摸和抱抱。
- Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum. 这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。
- In the society of the Eskimo, women are treated with indifference, but children are petted in every way. 在爱斯基摩人的社会中,女人倍受歧视,但人们对孩子却宠爱有加。
- Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre. 禁止汽车从市中心穿行。
- Look at the screen, they are pictures, we know they are all the animals in a zoo. But in west countries they may be pets. 但是在西方国家它们可能成为个人的宠物。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- As I was petting the seemingly friendly dog, it bit me on the leg! 当我摸着这只看似友善的狗时,它竟咬我的腿!