- Are you following me so far? 您听明白了我所讲的吗?
- Line Groberg: Why are you following me? 你为什么跟着我?
- Woman: Then, follow Station Street about seven blocks. Are you with me so far? 女士:然后,顺着车站街太约走个街区。这些听清楚了吗?
- Make sure you pick me up at seven o'clock sharp. Are you following me? 你要保证七点整来接我,听到了没有?
- You need to work hard to get ahead in this company. Are you following me? 在这家公司要想出人头地,就得努力工作。你听清楚我的话没有?
- Given everything you've told me so far, were you surprised then by the action on textiles and is there anything China needs to do in response? 还是关于纺织品问题。尽管中国做了许多,但美国还是采取了这样的行动,这是否使你感到意外,中国还会采取什么样的措施?
- Are you with me so far? 到现在为止你了解我所说吗?
- "What are you boys doing so far from Tara? "你们这些小伙子们大老远从塔拉跑来干什么?
- How are you enjoying the game so far? 到现在为止你们喜欢这个游戏吗?
- Are you following me? 你明白我的意思吗?
- What page were we on? - Can you follow me? 在那一页?你们懂吗?
- Why are you give me so much chicanery as a explanation? 你为什么给我那么多狡辩的解释?
- Are you following me, sir ? 你能听清我的话吗,先生?
- Now let's read a bit faster. Can you follow me? 读得再快点,你们能跟上我吗?
- "This sentance have been giddying me so far. 是的,我就这样有了目标----去北京,哪怕用尽身上所有力气。
- A: Hello, are you following me? 嘿,??有在听吗?
- Be you following me, sir? 你能听清我的话吗,先生?
- Isabella Swan: Did you follow me? 贝拉:你在跟踪我吗?
- I will go there first , you follow me soon. 我先去,你也跟手过来。
- I am truly grateful for all the blessings God has given me so far. 我是如此的感激上苍给予我这么多的恩惠和祝福