- Are you willing to take the oath? 你愿不愿意起个誓?
- Are you willing to take risks? 你打算冒这个险吗?
- Are you willing to take care of a special needs child? 是否愿意助养有特殊需要的孩子?
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?
- Are you willing to take the full oath of Allegiance to the United States? 你愿意宣誓效忠美国吗?
- Are you willing to go to the party with me? 你愿意和我一起去参加这个舞会吗?
- Are you willing to take a chance on the petrol running out before the end of the journey? 不等旅程结束汽油就可能耗尽,你愿冒这个险吗?
- Are you willing to be summoned as a witness? 你愿意出庭作证吗?
- If you have no experience, are you willing to take care of elderly, bedridden or disabled person? 如你没有经验,你是否愿意照顾长者、残障人士及?床病人?
- Are you willing to vouch for him? 你愿意为他担保吗?
- Are you willing to concede the right to us? 你愿意把权利让给我们吗?
- Are you willing to accept responsibility? 你愿意承担责任吗?
- To what extent are you willing to help me? 在什么情况下你愿意帮助?
- Are you willing to do public service wor? 你乐意无偿作公共服务工作吗?
- Are you willing to get a blue-collar job? 你愿意做蓝领工作吗?
- Are you willing to travel? How much? 你愿意去旅行吗?
- Pastor, are you out of your mind to ask us to take risks in faith in this huge storming season of economic downtime? 圣经里有多处教导,在特殊时刻的禁食,王后以斯帖决定冒死违例进宫见王,以扭转猷太人灭族的命运。
- Are you willing to compete at the Ph.D. level? 你愿意在博士级别竞争么?
- Are you willing to do penance for your sins,my son? 你愿意以苦刑赎你的罪吗,孩子?
- Are you willing to swear in court that you saw him do it? 你愿意在法庭上宣誓说你曾看见他做那件事了吗?