- Cotton area along Yangtze River in Anhui 安徽沿江棉区
- Preliminary Study on the Epidemic and the Cause of Rice Stripe Blight in Bill Area along Yangtze River 沿江丘陵地区水稻条纹叶枯病发生特点及分析
- Area along Yangtze River 沿江地区
- Polder area along Yangtze River 沿江圩区
- Shanghai and the area along t he middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River is of major concern in the coor dinated development in this river basin as a whole. 上海与长江中上游地区经济协调发展是长江流域经济协调发展和西部大开发战略的重要组成部分。
- Port From Taicang Port, go up stream along Yangtze River directly to Chongqing. 码头从太仓港沿长江黄金水道溯流而上,可直达重庆。
- Areas along Yangtze River 沿江地区
- The regional economy between Shanghai and the area along t he middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River is of major concern in the coor dinated development in this river basin as a whole. 上海与长江中上游地区经济协调发展是长江流域经济协调发展和西部大开发战略的重要组成部分。
- Earthquake along Yangtze river results from the new structural movement which is under the control of both Tethys tectonics and Pacific tectonics. 这一特殊的自然地理面貌严格受青藏地块、秦祁昆地块和扬子板块的构造格局控制 ,是特提斯构造系统和太平洋构造系统及其二者复合作用的结果。
- There are 63 species Melastomataceae plants in 17 genus,which widely distribute along Yangtze River and the south of China ranging from Tibet autonomous region to Taiwan province. 我国药用野牡丹科植物共有17属63种,主要分布于长江流域及其以南从西藏至台湾的各省区。
- Fifthly, an economic zone along Yangtze River, Longhai Railway Line, Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Line and Beijing-Jiulong Railway Line should be established as soon as possible. 五要加快形成沿长江、陇海、京广和京九“两横两纵”经济带,积极培育充满活力的城市群;
- Chongqing is one of China's municipalities directly under the Central Government. It is also an important city and center of the southwest region and the upper areas along the Yangtze River. 重庆市是我国直辖市之一,是西南地区和长江上游重要的中心城市。
- There will be sufficient coal resources to produce coal transfer service for coal-fired power plants and iron &steel enterprises in the Yangkou Portside Industrial Park and along Yangtze River. 该项目建成后,将拥有充足的煤炭货源,可为洋口港临港工业区及沿江煤电厂、钢铁企业提供煤炭中转服务。
- Constructing City Strip along Yangtze River 构建长江干流地区沿江城市带
- Trade model between open ports along Yangtze River 长江港口之间的贸易模型
- the zone along Yangtze River of Jiangsu Province 江苏沿江地区
- the Development Zone along Yangtze River 沿江经济带
- megalopolises along Yangtze River in Anhui Province 皖江城市群
- Develop zone along Yangtze river 沿江开发
- Lakes along Yangtze River in Anqing 安庆沿江湖泊