- Karyotype Analysis of Armeniaca sibirica (L.)Lam.and Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. 山杏和杏的核型分析
- Forest lands of Armeniaca sibirica in Western Liaoling were used to construct gray relative comprehensive evaluation model and to calculate its value. 并以辽西地区山杏林地为例,构造灰关联综合评价模型。
- There was significant difference between east and west provenance of Armeniaca sibirica in Inner Mongolia. 内蒙古东西部山杏种源间差异明显;
- There was signficant difference between east and west provenance of Armeniaca sibirica in Inner Mongolia. 内蒙古东西部山杏种源间差异明显;
- Scientific foundation could be provided for genetic improving and use of Armeniaca sibirica. 本文为山杏遗传改良和合理开发利用提供了研究基础和科学依据。
- This paper discusses the application of gray relative comprehensive evaluation model to means of site preparation for accumulating water in forest lands of Armeniaca sibirica in Western Liaoling. 摘要探讨了灰关联综合评价模型在辽西地区山杏林地集水整地方式评价中的应用。
- Armeniaca sibirica Lam. [医] 西伯利亚杏
- The non-wood usage tree species are Castanea mollissima, Amygdalus davidiana, Armeniaca sibirica, Zanthoxylum bungeanum. The landscape tree species are Acer truncatum, Gingo biloba, Sophora saponia, Platanus hispanica, Rhus typhina. 经济林树种:板栗(Castanea mollissima)、山桃 (Amygdalus davidiana)、山杏(Armeniaca sibirica)、花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum);
- Kind of cyanogenic glycoside was extracted from seeds of Armeniaca sibirica (L.)lam in Chi feng, and it was identified as amygdalin by nuclear magnetic resonacne and infrared Spectroscopic analysis. 从赤峰地区山杏种仁中分离得到一种氰甙,经核磁共振、红外光谱、元素分析鉴定为苦仁甙。
- Armeniaca sibirica pre-selection plants 山杏优株
- Semen Armeniacae Amanrum is the dry mature seed of Armeniaca Valgaris Lam, Armeniaca Sibirica Lam, Prunus Sibirica Lam, Primus mandshurica Koehne and Primus Armeniaca Lam, which are plants of Rosaceae. 苦杏仁(Semen Armeniacae Amanrum)为蔷薇科植物山杏、野杏、西伯利亚杏、东北杏和杏的干燥成熟种子。
- Analysis of Peroxidase Isoenzyme and Seed Soluble Protein in Armeniaca sibirica 山杏种内POD同工酶及种子可溶性蛋白分析
- Development and utilization of Armeniaca sibirica resources in Hebei province 河北省山杏资源的开发与利用
- Analysis of Density Effect of Armeniaca sibirica Forests in Western Region of Liaoning Province 辽西地区山杏林分栽植密度效应的分析
- planting mixed forest were importantto improve the production of Armeniaca sibirica. 营造山杏混交林(如山杏油松混交林、山杏沙棘混交林等)、林间种草是提高山杏产量、改善森林环境的重要措施。
- The Application of Multi-comparison to the Study on the Density of Armeniaca sibirica in Western Region of Liaoning Provinve 多重比较在辽西山杏栽植密度研究中的应用
- Ligularia sibirica Cass. var. racemosa Kitam. 总序橐吾
- Prunus armeniaca L. var. ansu Maxim. [医] 山杏
- Prunus armeniaca L.var.ansu Maxim. 山杏