- Army Aviation Support Element 陆军航空支援分队
- Army Aviation Support Facility 陆军航空支援设施
- The Army aviation corps, equipped with attack, transport, and other specialized helicopters and light fixed-wing aircraft, carries out air maneuvers and provides support for ground operations. 陆军航空兵装备攻击直升机、运输直升机和其他专用直升机及轻型固定翼飞机,遂行空中机动和支援地面作战任务。
- The central supporting element of a whole. 基础、主旨整体的一个中心基本原则
- Analysts say the "Village Guards" militia is the key support element for the Turkish army in its war against the PKK. 分析人员称,村庄卫队军事组织是与库尔德工人党的战争中土耳其军队的主要支撑力量。
- The Army aviation corps,equipped with attack,transport,and other specialized helicopters and light fixed-wing aircraft,carries out air maneuvers and provides support for ground operations. 陆军航空兵装备攻击直升机、运输直升机和其他专用直升机及轻型固定翼飞机,遂行空中机动和支援地面作战任务。
- The AA has awarded the major franchises on aviation support services that are required on airport opening. 机管局已批出机场启用所需的各项主要航空辅助服务专营权。
- The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (a.k.a Nightstalkers) provides SF teams with aviation support. 第160特勤航空团(即夜行者团)为特种部队提供航空支持。
- The Army has such arms as the infantry,artillery,armor,engineering,communications,anti-chemical warfare and Army aviation,as well as other specialized units. 陆军由步兵、炮兵、装甲兵、工程兵、通信兵、防化兵、陆军航空兵等兵种和专业部队组成。
- The Army has such arms as the infantry, artillery, armor, engineering, communications, anti-chemical warfare and Army aviation, as well as other specialized units. 陆军由步兵、炮兵、装甲兵、工程兵、通信兵、防化兵、陆军航空兵等兵种和专业部队组成。
- As part of his video, Ozawa interviewed Aviation Support Equipment Technician 2nd Class (SW/AW) Yancy Zuniga and asked him how he spends his free time under way. 祖尼格是帕霍亚高中2004届毕业生,他说:“我和其他人一起举重、训练,我们训练武术,就像在家里一样。”
- The airmobile forces consist of formations, units and elements of the Army and the Army aviation, which are well trained for combined activities behind the enemy lines. The airmobile force (Ukrainian: 袗械褉芯屑芯斜褨谢褜薪褨 胁褨泄褋褜泻邪 校泻褉邪褩薪懈) is a highly mobile component of the Ukrainian Ground Forces.
- Army Aviation Maintenance Support Activity 陆军航空保养支援处
- The Army has such arms as infantry, armor, artillery, air defense, Army aviation, engineering, chemical defense and communications, as well as other specialized units such as those of electronic counter-measure (ECM), reconnaissance and mapping. 陆军由步兵、装甲兵、炮兵、防空兵、陆军航空兵、工程兵、防化兵、通信兵等兵种及电子对抗兵、侦察兵、测绘兵等专业兵组成。
- The Army has such arms as infantry,armor,artillery,air defense,Army aviation,engineering,chemical defense and communications,as well as other specialized units such as those of electronic counter-measure (ECM),reconnaissance and mapping. 陆军由步兵、装甲兵、炮兵、防空兵、陆军航空兵、工程兵、防化兵、通信兵等兵种及电子对抗兵、侦察兵、测绘兵等专业兵组成。
- That information is essential for determining how to train Army personnel preparing for deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan, Barclay said at the Army Aviation Symposium and Exposition in Arlington, Va. 确定如何培养陆军人员,准备将其部署到伊拉克和阿富汗,信息是必不可少的。
- Aviation Support Material and Equipment 航空支援器材与设备
- Metal supporting elements gurantee overload protection. 金属的支架能保证过载保护。
- An open CNC system with two CPUs in paralld, in which the center is PMAC motion controller and the supporting element is industrial PC, is suggested. 提出了一种以PMAC运动控制器为控制系统核心、工业控制机为系统支撑单元的双CPU开放式数控系统。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。