- Army Career Management Office 陆军职业管理办公室
- He was modest about his army career. 他对自己在部队的经历很是谦逊。
- Study of Career Management Program in A Co. Ltd. 论某公司员工职业生涯管理方案的设计。
- He had been marked out for an army career from early childhood. 他从很小的时候就已注定要过戎马生涯。
- Employers need to rethink their approach to career management completely. 用人企业需要重新全面思考他们的职业发展管理方法。
- Prince William launched his army career on Sunday when he entered the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst. 上周日,威廉王子正式加入号称"英国西点"的桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院,从此开始了他的军事生涯。
- Welcome to visit Logistics management office of Shanxi Datong University. 欢迎访问山西大同大学后勤管理处!
- "It reflects your ethics," says Sheryl-panier, an Marketing executive career management consultant in New York. 如果以后他发现你对收入撒了谎,那么你就得不到这个工作机会了。
- Manage office daily pretty cash payment. 管理办公室的日常现金支付。
- With the advent of knowledge economy,great changes have taken place in career management. 由于知识经济的到来,使得职业生涯管理的背景和条件发生了根本性的变化,从而产生了易变性职业生涯的概念。
- Ashley Dupre, who was Kristen in bed, was no slouch in the career management department. 虽然阿什丽.;迪普雷在床上是个风骚女,但是她在职业生涯管理这方面却并非蠢人。
- The career management has the vital significance to individual,the enterprise and even the society. 做好职业生涯管理对于个人、企业乃至社会都具有重要意义。
- "It reflects your ethics," says Sheryl Spanier, an executive career management consultant in New York. 如果当以后发现你对收入撒谎,那么就会拒绝给你工作机会。
- Career Management System Research and Design of BD Advertising Adorning Limited Company. BD广告装饰有限公司职业管理体系的研究与设计。
- But there are encouraging signs.The most extraordinary is that President Musharraf has pushed forward peace with India, even though, in his army career, he had helped to inflame the Kashmir row. 不过也有令人鼓舞的迹象,最显著的是:尽管总统穆沙拉夫在他的军队生涯里曾经助力点燃克什米尔之争,但他现在推动了巴印的和平进程。
- Chamber management office does not answer for the losing or rob goods, include the goods in the chest of drawers. 会所管理部对在本康体中心内丢失或被盗物品概不负责,包括被用更衣柜中的物品。
- First, you will sign a preliminary rental agreement with the management office and pay the deposit. 先与本公司签一份临时租约并交订金。
- The MEDE Program includes the Career Management Center, which links the objectives of students with the needs of companies. 在米德项目包括职业管理中心,联系与公司的需要的学生的目标。
- Provide assistance in daily operations and other ad hoc assignments for the Project Management office. 协助处理日常事务和其他特别事务。
- "Take a real vacation to find out," says Rena Lewis, senior vice president for Lee Hecht Harrison, a job search, consulting and career management firm. LeeHechtHarrison职业咨询管理公司的资深副总裁说RenaLewis建议:“渡一个真正的假期,以便发现问题的答案。”