- Army Intelligence Officer 陆军情报官
- At dusk, an intelligence officer arrived with news. 黄昏时,一个情报军官送来新消息。
- Later, Vandervoot's intelligence officer interrogated prisoners. 后来,万德沃中校的情报军官审讯战俘。
- Hallucinogenic-type drug experiments were also conducted by elements of the US Army Intelligence community. 致幻类药物试验也被美国军方情报组织成员运用。
- But it is Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Devoe, an intelligence officer with the U.S. 但为找回核子弹头,两人只好克服歧见,完成调查。
- A dead drop avoids the need for an intelligence officer and a spy to be present at the same time. 交换情报的秘点使得情报员和间谍不用同时露面。
- In the First World War, a British divisional intelligence officer on the Western Front built a home from home. 第一次世界大战期间,西部战线英军一个师有一名情报员,在异乡建立了他的家。
- We knew of his brief career as an intelligence officer and of his friendship with the convicted English diplomat and spy {or Russia, Kim Philby. 我们了解他的简短情报官生涯,以及他与被判罪的英国外交官、当俄国间谍的吉姆·菲尔比之间的友情。
- In North Africa in January 1943, the intelligence officer of the 10th Panzer Division reported on a "new American antitank weapon". 一九四三年一月,驻北非的第十装甲师的情报官报告了“美国的一种新式反坦克武器”。
- Cesar has also been forsaken by his former FARC comrades who condemned him as a traitor, after he was hoodwink ed by an army intelligence operation masquerading as a humanitarian mission. 凯撒已被哥伦比亚革命武装力量(FARC)他的同志们遗弃。自从军方情报机构化妆称人道主义任务将他蒙蔽之后,他被自己的同志称做叛徒。
- Putin, Yeltsin’s successor, who spent the perestroika years seething with resentment as an intelligence officer in East Germany, saw it differently. 叶利钦推行改革之时,身为特工的普京正在东德执行任务,他对所谓的改革满腔怒火。
- Wounded in France in the first world war, he became an intelligence officer in Tangier in 1942-43 and helped prepare the ground for the Allied landing in north Africa. 第一次世界大战期间他在法国负伤,1942年到1943年间他成为了一位在丹吉尔任职的情报官员并为盟军在北非的登陆作战出谋划策。
- The captured documents seem to confirm that FARC commanders have co-ordinated closely with Venezuelan army and intelligence officers on the border for several years, according to a Colombian official. 俘获的文件看来确认了这个情况,根据哥伦比亚一位官员的说法,FARC的指挥官们几年来与委内瑞拉军方和情报官员密切合作。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。
- Department of the Army Intelligence Plan 陆军部情报计划
- After graduating from Carleton, Pye returned to China at the end of World War II to serve as an intelligence officer in the 5th Marine Corps, achieving the rank of Second Lieutenant. 另一方面,由于家庭纽带的强大与切身,使国家成为遥远的存在。
- United States Army Intelligence Corps 美国陆军情报队
- Has a Russian-speaking intelligence officer in Moscow transliterated into Cyrillic the name of a Nepalese suspect in exactly the same way as a Russian-speaking Uzbek field officer? 一个在莫斯科的讲俄语的情报官员能够将一个尼泊尔嫌疑犯的名字音译为西里尔语,他会不会使用一个讲俄语的乌兹别克陆军校级军官所采用的确切方法?
- United States Army Intelligence Corps Agency 美国陆军情报局