- Army Unit Resiliency Analysis 陆军设备弹性分析
- He puts me in mind of a comrade in my army unit. 他使我想起了我们部队的一位同志。
- This army unit produces all its own food grain. 这支部队粮食全部自给。
- In Boston an army unit was ordered out to reinforce the police. 波士顿还调出了军队来增援警察。
- Army units must work hard and expeditiously. 要雷厉风行,艰苦奋斗,紧张快干。
- The special army unit was so well disciplined that it obeyed orders without question. 这支特种部队的纪律非常严明,行动绝对服从命令。
- An army unit typically consisting of a headquarters and two or more companies,batteries,or similar subunits. 营军队单位,包含有一个指挥部,两个以上的班、连或类似的下属单位
- A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport,such as light armor and helicopters. 高度机动地面部队使用车辆,如轻装甲车和直升飞机运输的高度机动部队。
- The few decent Afghan army units are badly overworked. ”一些屈指可数的像样部队过度劳累。
- The Boss joined Army unit participating in atomic testing in Nevada desert. She was exposed to large radiation. The Boss加入了参与内华达沙漠核试验的美国陆军分队。她遭受到大量辐射。
- To wipe out the New Fourth Army units in southern Anhwei. (三)消灭皖南的新四军;
- Leading the work in a region, department, factory, school or army unit has now become much more complicated and difficult than ever before. 现在领导一个地区、一个部门,领导一个工厂、一个学校、一支部队,工作都比过去复杂多了,困难多了。
- A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport, such as light armor and helicopters. 高度机动地面部队使用车辆,如轻装甲车和直升飞机运输的高度机动部队
- An army unit typically consisting of a headquarters and two or more companies, batteries, or similar subunits. 营军队单位,包含有一个指挥部,两个以上的班、连或类似的下属单位
- Objective To investigate infestation condition of bedbugs and take effective measure for controlling in the army unit. 目的调查某部营区臭虫危害现况,采取有效措施进行防治。
- A local army unit, determined that no one should meddle with it, placed two soldiers on guard. 当地一支陆军决定不许任何人妄动那架飞机,派了两名士兵守卫。
- The Army units were stripped down to what the soldiers themselves could carry. 部队轻装,只剩下战士们所能随身携带的东西。
- It looks like they took over the chain of command for a Red Army unit that was secretly stationed Colombian territory. 看上去他们像是接管曾经秘密驻扎在哥伦比亚领域的苏联红军的指挥系统。
- There will be combined Air Force and Army units,or Marine and Army units. 将会有空军和陆军、或海军陆战队和陆军合为一体的建制单位。
- Leading the work in a region,department,factory,school or army unit has now become much more complicated and difficult than ever before. 现在领导一个地区、一个部门,领导一个工厂、一个学校、一支部队,工作都比过去复杂多了,困难多了。