- Later Tuesday, Nadal will begin his title defense against Arnaud Clement of France, and Ivan Ljubicic faces Igor Andreev. 赛后技术统计显示,萨芬在第一盘的六局比赛中仅得到14分,全部的一发和二发得分率都没有能超过46%25,一共出现42次主动失误。
- Arnaud Clement 克莱门特
- Clement made a satisfactory bargain with him. 克雷孟特和他作了一次满意的交易。
- A clement judge reduced his sentence. 一位仁慈的法官为他减了刑。
- Clement: Inclined to be lenientor merciful. 仁慈的:倾向于宽厚或仁慈的。
- Clement:Inclined to be lenient or merciful. 仁慈的:倾向于宽厚或仁慈的.
- Clement Moore graduated from Columbia. 克来门特?摩尔从哥伦比亚大学毕业。
- Oranges and lemons,Say the bells of St. Clement's. 提到橘子和柠檬,就数大钟圣克雷门。
- I am Victor Dragon, clement and lofty. 我是大飞龙,高贵又宽容。
- Arnaud Shiwaxinge is my strong and handsome God, he eats many beef. 这表明我利用了蛋白质,我的肌肉正在利用它,我的块头正在长大。”
- Clement, I don't mean to keep going after you. 是共识重要,还是真理重要?真理只是共识的产品吗?
- JJ: Sydney this year, I lost to (Arnaud) Clement second round, I would have played him.Last week I thought there was a pretty good chance when I was up 5-4 against (Paradorn) Srichaphan, so... 今年在悉尼,我输给克莱门特,不然我就要和他打比赛。
- He disposed of his rooms in Clement's Inn and went to Italy. 他退了克莱门特旅馆的房间,到意大利去了。
- West Bromwich Albion and old boy Neil Clement manage it. 西布罗姆维奇及前切尔西球员尼尔-克莱门特成功保级。
- Pete Sykes, Iain Clement, Nick Cohn &Niels van den Brinck. 微观仿真在大范围路网中应用的益处.
- Kerron Clement came second and Bershawn Jackson, third. 克莱蒙特获得银牌,杰克逊摘得铜牌。
- Hostetter, Clement J.Savant, Jr., Raymond T.Stefani. 书名/作者 Design of feedback control systems /Gene H.
- Arnaud Shihua asks for the Buddhist nun case is surmounted with natural forging principle before expression. 无可置疑地,精神的完全集中以及彻底的投入使我们能够充份地利用精力。
- Arnaud IP,Schloegel M,Ollier JC,et al.Colorectal Cancer in patients over 80years of age.Dis Colon Recum,1991,40:896. 曹志新杨传永.;高龄结;直肠癌病人的外科治疗(附90例临床诊治分析)[J]
- Former tennis player Arnaud Di Pasquale reacts as he carries an extinguished Olympic torch in Paris. 在巴黎前网球选手阿尔诺迪帕斯夸里手持熄灭的奥运圣火,如此反应。