- The discovery turned out to be both a new artistic idea and an aesthetic value. 可以说,这也是一种境界和美学价值的发现。
- Financially, sell a creative or artistic idea, for Neptune conjunct Jupiter will help you on July 10. 财务上,7月10日,海王星与木星汇合,适合推销独创的艺术构想。
- Through the background of outcoming of POP, the article probes the artistic idea of POP costume of the sixties and of modern time. 通过分析POP艺术产生的背景以及POP艺术对服装的影响,探讨了20世纪60年代的POP时装及当代POP时装的艺术思想。
- Firstly,the thesis relates the inner factors of the stylistic forms of Assyrian relief frescoes by analyzing its historical background and inheritance of the artistic idea systems in the region. 首先通过分析亚述浮雕壁画艺术的历史背景和该地区艺术思想体系的传承性,论述亚述浮雕壁画风格形成的内在因素。
- Its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas. 运动的主旨便是用当代哲学与艺术思想的晨光启迪整个世界。
- The Chinese sculptors paid great attention to newly introduced artistic ideas and styles. 艺术观念的更新,艺术语言的多样化成为雕塑家普遍关心的问题。
- Ang lee not only takes advantage of advanced film technologies of Hollywood, but also keeps his artistic ideas. 李安电影利用好莱坞先进的制作方式,在精良的商业包装下却又坚持独立的艺术思考。
- However, it played a stimulating role in renewing Chinese painters' artistic ideas and bringing more variety to Chinese painting. 但它毕竟对于艺术观念的更新和艺术发展的多样化局面的形成,起到了推动作用。
- However, considering his artistic ideas of arts, drama and poetry, he is a steadfast anti-modernist.Few scholars have touched this respect. 但从鲁迅的艺术(包括美术、戏剧、诗等)主张来看,他却是坚定的反现代主义者,这方面却鲜有梳理。
- Xu Wei's Cursive Script and His Artistic Idea 徐渭草书及其艺术思想综论
- My roommate sniff at my idea of becoming an artist. 我的室友对我要当艺术家的想法嗤之以鼻。
- The four great painters of the Yuan Dynasty were very careful with brush stroke techniques in order to show developed artistic ideas, and their works have great aesthetic values. "元四家"的作品更注重笔墨技巧,更讲究意境神韵,使山水画的美学价值更加提高。
- Arts for the Meiyuanxuesheng Shushe to Worshipper Mr. works within three, and wives and Peter artistic career and artistic ideas are deeply impressed."Mrs. 艺衡书社的美院学生都对吴炫三先生的作品啧啧称奇,而太太们则为吴先生的艺术生涯和艺术理念所深深折服。
- While exhibitions present contemporary work to the audience, residencies bring artistic ideas over and contribute to the creative life of Shanghai at the level of production. 在将当代艺术作品带给观众的同时, 居留项目也在生产作品的前提下给上海这个创意的城市提供了艺术性的想法和贡献。
- The design provides a comfortable, spacious house, incorporating strict passive solar principles, while also exploring more sculptural and artistic ideas. 这个小区的住宅宽敞舒适,特别注重利用太阳能,同时借助于雕塑体现出艺术美感。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何经商。
- It's my idea to hold the party outside the house. 在户外聚会是我的主意。