- The motion as amended by Hon WONG Sing-chi was passed by the Council. 该议案经黄成智议员修订后获立法会通过。
- A motion "Improving public transport fare system" moved by Hon Andrew CHENG as amended by Hon LAU Kong-wah was passed. 郑家富议员就"改善公共交通收费制度"动议的议案经刘江华议员修订后获得通过。
- A motion moved by Hon Mrs Sophie LEUNG as amended by Hon SIN Chung-kai on border industrial zone was passed. 梁刘柔芬议员就边境工业区动议的议案经单仲偕议员修订后获得通过。
- A motion moved by Hon WONG Yung-kan as amended by Hon Tommy CHEUNG Yu-yan on "Avian Influenza Incident" was carried. 黄容根议员就"禽流感事件"所提的议案经张宇人议员修正后获得通过。
- Section 111, as amended by SARA, increased the fund from $1.6 billion under the original 1980 law to $8.5 billion for the period 1986-1991. 第111条由于《最高基金修正与再授权法案》有所修正,把按照1980年法律设立的16亿美元基金提高到1986年至1991年间的85亿美元。
- Hon Miriam LAU moved a motion on reducing and remitting the duty on ultra low sulphur diesel. The motion as amended by Hon SIN Chung-kai was passed. 刘健仪议员动议有关减免超低含硫量柴油税的议案,该议案经单仲偕议员修订后获得通过。
- A motion moved by Hon Tommy CHEUNG as amended by Hon Martin LEE on the reviewing the basis for charging the trade effluent surcharge and its appeal mechanism was passed. 张宇人议员就检讨工商业污水附加费的徵费准则及上诉机制动议的议案经李柱铭议员修正后获得通过。
- For States Parties to the Protocol of 1976 to the 1969 Liability Convention, such reference shall be deemed to include the 1969 Liability Convention as amended by that Protocol. 对于1969年责任公约1976年议定书的缔约国而言,这种提法应被认为包括经该议定书所修正的1969年责任公约。
- The Council passed a motion moved by Hon Fred LI as amended by Hon MA Fung-kwok on liberalization of the telecommunications and television markets. 李华明议员就开放电讯及电视市场动议的议案,经马逢国议员修正后获立法会通过。
- A motion moved by Hon Albert CHAN as amended by Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen and Hon KWONG Chi-kin on opening up the electricity market was passed. 陈伟业议员就开放电力市场动议议案,有关议案经梁君彦议员及邝志坚议员修正后获得通过。
- A motion moved by Hon Audrey EU Yuet-mee as amended by Hon SIN Chung-kai and Hon LI Kwok-ying on policy on public service broadcasting was passed. 余若薇议员就公共广播服务政策动议的议案,经单仲偕议员及李国英议员修正后获得通过。
- A motion moved by Hon SIN Chung-kai as amended by Hon Howard YOUNG and Hon Andrew CHENG on policy on broadcasting was passed. 单仲偕议员就广播政策动议的议案,经杨孝华议员及郑家富议员修正后获得通过。
- For Parties to the Protocol of 1976 to that Convention, the term shall be deemed to include the 1971 Fund Convention as amended by that Protocol. 就该公约的1976年议定书的缔约国而言,应被认为包括经该议定书修正的1971年基金公约。
- XXX shall comply with each CHANGE Order as if it was a term of this Agreement and subject to all its conditions except as amended by the CHANGE Order. XXX应遵守各变更单,就如同它是本协议的一项条款,并遵守其所有条件,经变更单修正的除外。(请指正,重点是标红句)。
- For States Parties to the Protocol of 1976 to the Convention, such reference shall be deemed to include the Convention as amended by that Protocol. 对于公约1976年议定书的缔约国,公约应被视为包括经该议定书修正的公约。
- A motion on merger of the two railway corporations and provision of interchange concessions moved by Hon LAU Kong-wah as amended by Hon LI Fung-ying was passed. 刘江华议员就两铁合并及提供转乘优惠提出的议案,经李凤英议员修正后获得通过。
- No limit may be increased so as to exceed an amount whichcorresponds to the limit laid down in the Convention as amended by thisProtocol multiplied by three. 任何限额的增长,均不得超过经本议定书修正的本公约所规定限额的三倍。
- A motion moved by Dr Hon LAW Cheung-kwok as amended by Hon NGAN Kam-chuen urging the Administration to strengthen its support to assist building owners in forming Owners Corporation. 罗祥国议员动议促请政府当局加支援,协助大厦业主成立业主立案法团的议案,经颜锦全议员修正后获得通过。
- The spelling in my theme was amended by the teacher. 老师把我作文里拼错的字订正了。
- Question that clause 2, as amended, stand part of the Bill put. 经修正之第2条纳入本条例草案之议题付诸表决。