- Asahi Shimbun: I have two questions. 第一,以史为鉴,面向未来。
- Quoting Japanese government officials, the Yomiuri Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun reported today that Koizumi plans to depose Miyaji on the 15th. 读卖和朝日新闻今天引述日本党政官员的话报导,小泉计画十五日将宫路免职。
- The writer is a columnist and chief diplomatic correspondent for the Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun. 作者是日本《朝日新闻》的专栏作家和首席外交事务记者。
- Japan's Kyodo News, NHK, Asahi Shimbun and other media reporters interviewed the 59th Chinese angle and the exchange of members of the Pan Qinglin. 日本共同社、NHK、朝日新闻等媒体记者采访了第59次汉语角交流会和潘庆林委员。
- Asahi Shimbun became the newspaper publishing company of that time maximum which has issue organization in two big cities in Tokyo and Osaka. 于明治41年东京朝日与大阪朝日合并而成的朝日新闻,成为当时东京、大阪二大都会区中新闻发行制度完备、规模最大的新闻社。
- But after years of broken promises, voters appear to be unimpressed, according to a poll published on Monday August 3rd by Asahi Shimbun. 但是自民党几年来一直违背诺言,从8月3日星期一,AsahiShimbun公布的民意测验来看,选民们似乎不会被其打动。
- The Asahi Shimbun is helping launch a paid service for thumb-tapping readers who want to access news through their cell phones. 但是,发行商们也知道他们不太可能依靠更年轻的消费群体了。
- Two other major gangs, the Inagawa-kai and Sumiyoshi-kai, have also summoned experts to explain the law and identify loopholes, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper said. 媒体报道说,法律的改变让山口组元老们颇为不安。山口组是日本最大的黑社会组织,其犯下的各种罪行,大到侵吞资产,小到吃饭赖账,现在都可能面临起诉。
- Japanese paper Asahi Shimbun has published excerpts from a diary of a former aide that indicates Japan's late emperor, Hirohito, expre ed regret at having invaded China. 日本报纸朝日新闻刊登已故昭和天皇前侍从的日记摘要,显示昭和天皇对入侵中国感到后悔。
- Prime Minister Mori was likely to receiving the praising from the headlines of Washington Post and Asahi Shimbun as well as the excited announcer of TBS and ABC. 森首相仿佛看到华盛顿邮报、朝日新闻头版头条的赞美、TBS、ABC播音员的兴奋,从此人们会、永远忘掉那个说话不经过大脑的传说的。
- The Asahi Shimbun has found that the major political parties will likely field about 850 candidates, the lowest number under the current electoral system. 朝日新闻发现多数党将会推出850名候选人,这是当前选举系统允许的最少人数。
- Japanese paper Asahi Shimbun has published excerpts from a diary of a former aide that indicates Japan's late emperor, Hirohito, expressed regret at having invaded China. 日本报纸朝日新闻刊登已故昭和天皇前侍从的日记摘要,显示昭和天皇对入侵中国感到后悔。
- But behind it, many languages spoken by minority groups are on the verge of obsolescence, according to an article that ran in The Asahi Shimbun last week. 在它的阴影下,许多少数名族语言正在消亡,之前本报也有相关报道。
- The two newspapers, the Yomiuri Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun, reported that the investigation commission recommends that the International Civil Aviation Organization revise its regulations to give priority to Collision Avoidance System warnings. 读卖与朝日两报报导,调查委员会建议国际民航组织修改规章,将避撞系统的警告列为优先。
- Senso: The Japanese Remember The Pacific War: Letters To The Editor Of Asahi Shimbun, Expanded Edition 日本回忆太平洋战争
- Asahi Shimbun 朝日新闻
- Zibo Asahi Glass Alumina Materials Co., Ltd. 淄博旭硝子刚玉材料有限公司。
- Zibo Asahi Glass Fused Materials Co., Ltd. 淄博旭硝子电熔材料有限公司。
- The Asahi Shimbun 《朝日新闻》
- Japanese Logistics Case: Kanagawa Logistics Center of ASAHI Breweries LTD. 日本物流案例:朝日啤酒神奈川物流中心。