- Asian Studies Newsletter 亚洲研究简讯
- He got his Master of Asian studies from the Lund University in Sweden. 沈亮在回国创业前在瑞典隆德大学获得硕士学位。
- He studied in the School of East Asian Studies at the university. 他在这所大学的东亚研究学院学习过。
- International conference: "Asian Studies in an Internet Connected World: Evolving an Asia-pacific Community? 发表于”国际会议:在因特网时代的亚洲研究:成长中的亚太社区?
- LL: But, Professor Jones is the head honcho of the East Asian Studies Department, and you know him. 是啊,东亚研究系的琼斯教授倒是和我很熟。你们公司总裁是不是来看你的。他们想提拔的就是你吧?
- But, Professor Jones is the head honcho of the East Asian Studies Department, and you know him. 是耶,东亚研究系的琼斯教授倒是和我很熟。你们公司总裁是不是来看你的啊。他们想提拔的就是你吧?
- Speaker Rudolf Wagner / Director, Centre of East Asian Studies, University of Heidelberg With a Ph. 讲者鲁道夫.瓦格纳/德国海德堡大学汉学系主任慕尼黑大学汉学博士。
- He attended Stanford University, receiving his B.A. and M.A. in East Asian Studies. 他从斯坦福大学获得东亚研究学士和硕士学位。
- Professor Kam Louie is currently Professor of Chinese and Head of the China and Korea Centre, Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University. 雷金庆教授是现任澳洲国立大学亚洲研究学院中国及韩国研究中心主任兼中文讲座教授。
- Chang, S. N.(1994). National identity in Taiwan. Paper presented at Seminar of Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast, Guam. 张善楠(民83).;台湾;中国大陆;香港大学生传统孝道观念的比较
- Between 1983 and 1984 he attended Singapore's Institute of Southeast Asian Studies as a Fulbright Scholar, researching the Cambodian conflict. 1983年和1984年,他作为富布赖特学入读新加坡东南亚研究所,研究柬埔寨冲突。
- In the future, other aspects of Penn, including the Center for East Asian Studies and the Wharton School might be involved. 将来,宾大的其他方面,包括东亚研究中心和沃顿学校可能也会参与进来。
- Prior to HKU, Professor Louie was the Professor of Chinese and Head of the China and Korea Centre, Faculty of Asian Studies, The Australian National University. 加入港大以前,雷教授是澳洲国立大学亚洲研究学院中国研究教授及中韩研究所所长。
- She is part of the staff at the Fairbank Center for East Asian Studies at Harvard University and is currently a political science professor at Northeastern University. 她现在是哈佛大学费正清东亚研究中心的一员,同时还担任美国东北大学政治学教授。
- Kapur is a government and Asian studies professor at the University of Texas-Austin.Mr.McHale is an economics professor at Queen's School of Business in Kingston, Ontario. 美国2000年人口普查数据显示,在科学和工程领域,大约四分之一接受过大学教育的工人都是在国外出生的;
- International Studies Newsletter 《国际问题研究新闻通讯》
- The Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies is inviting one sponsored application for grant from the University to subsidize studies relevant to East Asia in 2003. 该基金乃为资助及促进香港专上院校对东亚之学术研究而设。
- Canadian Association of African Studies Newsletter 加拿大非洲研究协会通讯
- "This outcome is a victory of the concerted pressure on the Chinese," said Sukh Deo Muni, senior visiting fellow at the Singapore Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. 新加坡的东南亚研究所的高级研究人员Sukh Deo Muni说,这次会谈是对中国施压的一次胜利。
- "The military will try to be neutral towards this kind of increasing conflict," said Sompob Manaragnsan, a director of the Institute of Asian Studies at Chulalongkorn University. 泰国朱拉隆攻大学亚洲研究所所长颂朴说:“军方对这种日益激化的冲突,会努力保持中立。