- College Degree in Nursing or Medicine. 大专学历,护理或医学专业。
- Barbra has a two-year associate degree in cosmetology. 巴巴拉获得了美容专业的大专毕业证。
- Associate Degree in Nursing 护理准学士学位
- Associate Degree in Tibetan and Chinese medicines from a recognized institution. A bachelor degree in Medicine will be given preference. 具有国家承认的大专以上藏医中医学历者,本科学位者优先。
- Whether it's a house or a skyscraper, before it's built, bought or sold, it gets surveyed. With a Westwood associate degree in surveying*, working pr... 无论是房子,摩天大楼,在它的建成,买入或卖出,它就会被调查。随着韦斯特伍德在测量*副学士学位,专业工作人...
- Most administrative roles require a bachelor's degree in nursing and many colleges have stepped up to the demand by offering RN to BSN programs. 该行业的大部分管理职位都要求候选人持有护理专业的学士学位,并且很多学校为了满足日趋增加的需求,增设了护理学位课程的注册护士。
- I was about enrolling to have a master's degree in nursing /midwifery before, myself and my family suffered a tragedy out of civil war in my country and several political unrest. 我正要招收有硕士学位护理/助产之前,我自己和我的家庭遭受了一场悲剧的内战在我国和一些政治动乱。
- They took turns in nursing his sister. 他们轮流照顾他的妹妹。
- I am a college graduated with an associates degree in Information Systems. 我毕业于专科院校,获信息系统毕业证书。
- Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College offer associate degrees in more than150 majors and certificate programs in75 occupational specializations. 学校与其姊妹校均提供超过150种主修及75种证书课程。
- Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College offer associate degrees in more than 150 majors and certificate programs in 75 occupational specializations. 学校与其姊妹校均提供超过150种主修及75种证书课程。
- He has a degree in world history. 他具有世界历史的学位。
- Associate degree majored in Mechanism, Engine, Electric, and etc. 大专,机械制造、发动机、机电一体化等相关专业。
- He have a master's degree in business science. 他获得了商业学硕士学位。
- To do this job, you must have a degree in English. 从事这个工作你必须具有英语专业的大学学位。
- She had an undergraduate degree in psychology. 她有心理学的学士学位。
- He has obtained a degree in psychology. 他已在心理学方面获得学位。
- The concetration association degree in cationic surfactant micellar solution was determined by ISE method and conductance method. 用离子选择电极法和电导法测定了阳离子表面活性剂胶束溶液中的反离子缔合度。
- Have you had any practice in nursing the sick? 你有护理病人的经验吗?
- He received his associates degree in applied science in the pipe trades and his bachelors degree in archaeology from Kennedy International University. 他在肯尼迪国际大学获得了应用科学准学士学位和考古学的学士学位。