- At that rate, he ought to be punished. 如果那样,他应该受到惩罚。
- Even at that rate, there is a risk of overload. 哪怕是以这样的速度发展,仍存在超载的危险。
- At that rate of growth 在那样的增长速度下
- If Peter kept going at that rate he would never finish mowing the grass. 彼得如果照这样的速度干下去,那他永远也不能将草割好。
- The rate of growth was unprecedented. 这个成长率是前所未有的。
- Although it is an oversimplification, the desired rate of growth may be taken as that rate which balances present costs against future benefits for the consensus of individuals. 尽管这是一个过于简化的描述,但期望的经济增长率,可以被认为是对每一个个人之现有成本与未来利益的平衡率。
- At that rate we shall not see the manager today. 那样的话,我们今天是见不到经理了。
- At that rate I could edit Family and Women myself. 像她那样,‘家庭与妇女’,我也会编;
- That punchy rate of growth helps explain the biggest surprise. 可观的增长率进一步说明了巨大的惊喜。
- I shall never get to twenty at that rate! 照这样我老也数不到二十!
- A 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $5. 按那种价格十分钟的电话应付五美元。
- Accelerating the rate of growth. 提高生长率。
- No one knows how to accelerate the rate of growth. 没人知道如何提高生长率。
- What's the rate of growth in this market? 这个市场的增长率是多少?
- If you go on at that rate, you will injure your health. 你如果照这样子继续下去,你会损害健康的。
- Is China overstating its true rate of growth? 中国是否在夸大它真实的增长率?
- "At that rate, why not stun him before he wakes?" Gerard said. 杰勒德说:“既然如此,为什么不趁他未醒以前捅掉他呢?”
- At that rate, why not stun him before he wakes?" Gerard said. 杰勒德说:“既然如此,为什么不趁他未醒以前捅掉他呢?”
- The country may have to get back to a slower rate of growth. 这个国家可能要回复到一个较慢的增长率上。
- If Peter kept going at that rate he would never finish mowingthe grass. 彼得如果照这样的速度干下去,那他永远也不能将草割好。