- Atomic Warning System 原子警报系统
- VEWS? Very Early Warning System? 极早期预警系统?
- A pollution warning system is being established. 正在建立一个污染报警系统。
- Midas was the first such warning system in the world. 飞弹防御警报系统是世界上第一个此类型的警报系统。
- Don't worry, we have a tsunami early warning system. 别担心,我们有海啸预警系统。
- A drill testing the tsunami warning system was held in Bali Indonesia. 在印度尼西亚的巴厘建造起了飓风预测报警系统。
- Every school should have an early warning system to avoid this problem. 每个学校都应该打好预防针,防止该类事故再次发生。
- SNR Improvement of Laser Warning System Based on Hadamard Transform[J]. 引用该论文 王建宏;王志斌;张记龙;王明.
- A colour-coded rainstorm warning system is activated to warn people of serious road flooding and traffic disruption. 在暴雨发生时,一套以颜色标示的暴雨警告系统会即时运作,提醒市民路面已出现严重水浸,交通受到影响。
- We are also looking for better surveillance or warning system of short term capital flow. 我们也期望加强对短期资金流动的监管或设立短期资金流动警告系统。
- Basic early warning systems are being set up in the affected areas. 受灾地区将会安装预警系统。
- The selectable equipments are TOW rotor mast aiming system, FLIR, radar warning system, IFF, laser range detector. 选装的航空电子设备包括:“陶”式导弹旋翼轴瞄准系统、前视红外装置、雷达告警接收机、敌我识别器和激光测距仪。
- By eavesdropping on plants it should be possible to develop an early warning system to detect pests and disease. 通过探测植物的声音可以形成预警机制,探明植物病虫害情况。
- The WMO and its 188 member states are working to set up an early warning system for extreme weather events. 世界气候组织和他的188个成员国家正在努力建立一个极端气候预警平台。
- Ultraviolet( UV) warning theory and configuration of UV warning system were introduced. 介绍了紫外告警原理及紫外告警系统的结构组成。
- Kenji Kuwashiro of the Keihin Kyuko Railway says its commuter train network is already using the early warning system. 这个新的预警系统利用了两种波的间隔,得出将要爆发地震的警告。日本通过几十年的发展,全国有1000多个地震议,现在可以通过计算机网络来预警。本周即将启动这一系统。
- Can the tropical cyclone warning system reflect winds in different regions of Hong Kong? 热带气旋警告系统能否反映香港不同地区风力?
- What are the differences between the newly revised tropical cyclone warning system and the old system? 新修订热带气旋警告系统跟以前的有何不同?
- The beeping was one of the collision warning systems that I was testing. 的响闹之一的碰撞预警系统,我的测试。