- And he was criticized for dealing with the military government of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. 同时,他还因涉及与智利军政府独裁者皮诺契特乌加特有关而备受指责。
- A soldier wipes the coffin of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet during his wake in Santiago on Dec. 11, 2006. 前年十二月十一日,于智利首都圣地牙哥,一名士兵在智利前独裁者奥古斯托.皮诺切特的守灵仪式上擦拭他的棺木。
- The 61-year-old economist will be the first socialist president since General Augusto Pinochet took power in 1973. 61岁的经济学家将是1973年皮诺切特将军通过政变推翻社会党阿连德政府后,首位当选的社会党总统。
- In Chile, the military government held a rally today in support of president augusto Pinochet, who escaped an assassination attempt two days ago. 在智利,军政府今天举行了群众大会,表示支持两天前在一次未遂暗杀事件中幸免于难的奥古斯托·皮诺切特总统。
- Former Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet is waiting to hear whether he will be allowed to escape extradition on torture charges. 前智利独裁者皮诺切特将军正在等待最后裁决,从而知道他是因侵犯人权被引渡,还是被允许返回智利。
- The return to Chile of its former military leader General Augusto Pinochet has aroused sharply conflicting emotions within the country. 智利前领导人皮诺切特的归国在这个国家激起了尖锐对立的情感。
- Here is an example from a Reuters News report, Britain's highest court had ruled that form Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet was legally arrested. 这里有个例子,是来自英国路透社新闻报道的。英国最高法院已经判决依法逮捕智利前独栽者奥格斯透品杰。
- Supporters of Chile's former military leader, General Augusto Pinochet, are organising a hero's welcome ahead of his arrival in Santiago in a few hours. 几小时以后,智利前军事领导人皮诺切特将抵达智利首都圣地亚哥,他的支持者计划组织一个英雄般的欢迎典礼。
- Septemter 11, 1973: U.S. stages coup in Chile. Democratically-eclected Predisent Salvador Allende assassinated. Dictator Augusto Pinochet installed. 5,000 Chilleans murdered. 1973年9月11日美国在智利发动政变,民选总统阿连德遇刺,独裁者皮诺亚特上台。5千智利人罹难。
- September 11.1973: U.S. stages coup in Chile. Democratically-elected President Salvador Allende assassinated. Dictator Augusto Pinochet installed. 5.000 Chileans murdered. 1973年9月11日-美国在智利发动政变.;民选总统阿叶德遇刺
- UK Home Secretary Jack Straw must disclose a crucial medical report on former Chilean dictator General Augusto Pinochet, the High Court in London has ruled. 经英国高级法院裁定,内务部长斯特劳必须将智利前独裁者皮诺切特的医疗报告公开,据悉这份医疗报告极为重要。
- Most people don't wake up at their own wake. A soldier wipes the coffin of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet during his wake in Santiago on Dec. 11, 2006. 大部分人都不会在自己的守灵仪式上醒过来。前年十二月十一日,于智利首都圣地牙哥,一名士兵在智利前独裁者奥古斯托.皮诺切特的守灵仪式上擦拭他的棺木。
- Hundreds of supporters of Augusto Pinochet filed passed his brown wooden coffin this morning. While Pinochet's relatives mourned his death, his many opponents celebrated his passing. 数百名Augusto Pinochet的支持者们今天早上排队经过他的棕木棺材。在他的亲属们哀悼他的死亡时,他的反对者们庆祝他的死亡。
- Dictators come in many stripes;some, like Burma's generals, rule for their own benefit.Others, like Augusto Pinochet in Chile, reform the economy and set their nations on a path to democracy. 如今,让这个国家引为豪的是拥有了几个大的政党,并和平地举行了四次总统选举,更不用说很多次的地方选举了。
- Hundreds of supporters of Augusto Pinochet filed past his brown wooden coffin this morning. While Pinochet's relatives mourned his death, his many opponents celebrated his passing. 今天早上,成百上千的皮诺切特的支持者排着队走过他的棕色木制棺材,同他告别。就在其亲属沉痛哀悼他的死亡之时,他的反对者却在庆祝他的过逝。
- In chile, the military government held a rally today in support of President augusto Pinochet, who escaped an assassination attempt two days ago 在智利,军政府今天举行了群众大会,表示支持两天前在一次未遂暗杀事件中幸免于难的奥古斯托·皮诺切特总统。
- At the same time, Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, the president of the military government, became the target of popular anger; 然而决策和执行互动不良的结果,徒然造成政变后骤增的冤魂,也使军事执政团主席皮诺契成为日后的众矢之的。
- The memory of Pinochet's rule is painful even now. 即便是现在,皮诺契特的统治仍是人民苦痛的回忆。
- Porter, Klaus Schwab and Augusto Lopez-Claros. 题名其余部分: edited by Michael E.
- Opponents of General Pinochet welcomed the news. 品杰将军的反对者十分欢迎这个消息。