- Australian Royal Air Force 澳大利亚皇家空军
- Royal Air Force Officers and Other Ranks. 皇家空军官员及其他军阶。
- How much do you know about the Royal Air Force? 你对皇家空军了解多少?
- A pilot noticed a balloon which seemed to be making for a Royal Air Force Station nearby. 一位飞行员注意到有一个气球似乎朝着附近的皇家空军基地飞去。
- The British air fighting force is called the Royal Air Force. 英国的空军部队被称作皇家空军。
- Air Force/ British Royal Air Force test pilot exchange program in 1992. 那年6月,我们搬到了英国乡下。
- Henry Allingham was a founding member of the modern Royal Air Force. Henry Allingham是现代皇家空军的创始人之一。
- The hope of daylight victory had faded, the Royal Air Force remained vexatiously alive. 想在白天空战中获得胜利的希望幻灭了,皇家空军仍然精神抖擞。
- Day after day this went on, till the glorious victory of the Royal Air Force was gained. 天天都是这样战斗,一直到皇家空军获得光荣的胜利为止。
- The victory of the Royal Air Force on September 15 is seen now in retrospect to have marked its decisive turningpoint. 现在回忆往事可以看出,皇家空军9月15日的胜利标志着决定性的转折点。
- That night there remained in France of the Royal Air Force only 206 serviceable aircrafts out of 474. 那天夜间,皇家空军驻在法国的四百七十四架飞机,能用来作战的飞机只剩下二百零六架了。
- During World War II, British Royal Air Force pilot intook bilberry jam before night shift to enhance visual acuity. 在二次大战期间,英国皇家空军的飞行员在夜间服勤之前食用山桑子果酱来增强视力。
- The invasion's air operations cannot be isolated from the earlier offensives carried on by the Royal Air Force and U. 这次空军的突击进攻和早先英国皇家空军和美国空军的对敌袭扰是不可分割的。
- The Royal Air Force and the US Air Force set out to liberate France from the German invaders! 皇家空军和美国空军规定解放法国从德国侵略者!
- The invasion's air operations cannot be isolated from the earlier offensives carried on by the Royal Air Force and U.S. 这次空军的突击进攻和早先英国皇家空军和美国空军的对敌袭扰是不可分割的。
- By World War II, the Rolex brand had gained such prestige that British Royal Air Force pilots bought them to replace the inferior watches that were issued to them. 第二次世界大战劳力士等品牌的威望得到英国皇家空军飞行员;他们买劣质手表取代这是发给他们.
- He joked with re-porters as he signed copies of ``Kitchener's Last Volun-teer'' at an event at the Royal Air Force Club in central London. 他在伦敦市中心皇家空军俱乐部签书会中,一边签名,边和记者开玩笑。
- He had interrupted his studies at Rhodes University in South Africa to fight the Germans as a pilot in the Royal Air Force. 他中断了他在南非罗得斯大学的学习,为的是成为皇家空军的一名飞行员以抗击德国人。
- The British Royal Air Force 'Red Arrows' aerobatic team perform a flyby over the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, June 25, 2008. 6月25日,英国皇家空军“红箭”飞行表演队在美国纽约湾上空进行飞行表演。
- The Royal Air Force's Red Arrows aerobatic display team perform at the Farnborough Airshow, England Friday July 23, 2004. 英国范堡罗航展,英国皇家空军的红箭飞行表演。