- Average service life of chain saw 油锯平均使用寿命
- Average service life of chain 锯链使用寿命
- Optimum penetration, adhesion and lubrication, reduced wear and prolong the service life of chain. 优良的渗透性、粘附性和润滑性,减少链条的磨损,延长使用寿命。
- They extend the service life of chains and reduce downtime thanks to superior wear prevention and corrosion protection - even in wet conditions. 即使在潮湿的条件下,其良好的抗磨性能和防腐蚀性能亦能延长链条的使用寿命,降低故障停机时间
- Method to Prolong Service Life of Chain Link of Scraper Conveyor 提高刮板输送机圆环链使用寿命的方法
- Contrast experiments confirm that the performance of the treated sifter mesh is better than that of other current domestic products of the same kind and its average service life is greatly improved. 经寿命对比实验,用该工艺处理的筛片比目前国内生产的同类产品好,性能有大幅提高。
- Of combusting arc, and improve the service life of load fuse box. 和消弧材料的损耗,以提高载熔件的使用寿命。
- Keep clean filter can prolong the service life of the chiller. 保持过滤网干净可以延长冷水机的使用寿命。
- The service life of a machine depends chiefly upon how it is being used. 机器的寿命主要取决于它如何使用。
- Such an initial lubrication will also extend the service life of the bearing. 这种初次注脂也能延长轴承的使用寿命。
- Actuarial gains and losses are recognised over the average remaining service lives of employees. 精算收益及亏损于雇员的平均馀下服务年期内确认。
- The farmers try hard to lengthen the service life of their farm tools. 农民们想尽一切办法延长农具的使用年限。
- The instable voltage of power grid shortens the service life of street lamps. 电网供电电压不稳定,致使路灯的使用寿命缩短。
- Sure, his dad is a lush, but he's always the life of the party. 没错,他父亲是个酒鬼,但他永远是宴会的灵魂人物。
- Great improvement has been brought about in the service life of springs by hot peening. 用锤头连续敲打金属表面的方法大大地延长了弹簧的使用寿命。
- She had led a life of luxury and privilege. 她过著养尊处优的生活。
- It is not considered meaningful to try to estimate or calculate the service life of an FW bushing. 估计或计算FW轴套的使用寿命被认为是缺乏意义的。
- We hope to have a life of happiness and prosperity. 我们希望拥有成功幸福的生活。
- An enterprise shall analyze and judge the service life of intangible assets, when it obtains intangible assets. 第十六条企业应当于取得无形资产时分析判断其使用寿命。
- Measures to extend service life of lead-acid storage batteries used on electric bicycles. 延长电动车用阀控铅酸蓄电池的使用寿命的措施。