- Avocado sunbloth viroid ASBVd
- Avocado sunbloth viroid(ASBVd) 鳄梨白斑类病毒
- We produce Mexican best quality fresh Hass avocado. 我们生产墨西哥高品质的新鲜哈斯鳄梨。
- The cheese and avocado dip is absolutely delicious. 奶酪和鳄梨的调味酱简直就是人间美味。
- Sprinkle the avocado slices with lemon juice. 将柠檬汁洒在鳄梨片上。
- Some good choices include avocado and almonds. 一些很好的选择包括鳄梨和杏仁。
- Avocado Cucumber Gazpacho with Jumbo Lump Crab. 怪怪的汤,蟹肉也不是很鲜。
- She always looked forward to the avocado season. 她总是很期待鳄梨旺季。
- The best studied viroid causes a disease of potatoes. 研究得较深入的是引起马铃薯病类病毒。
- AVOCADO OIL REFINED restores dry, dehydrated, and mature skin. 鳄梨油能够使干性,脱水和老化的皮肤得到修复。
- Add the avocado and cucumber to the cold crabmeat, and mix well. 在冷却后的蟹肉中加入牛油果和黄瓜拌匀.
- Contains rich emollients found in jojoba oil and avocado oil. 含有荷荷巴油及牛油果油之丰富滋润成分。
- Going forward, I’m adding avocado to all my salads and sandwiches. 多说一句,我把鳄梨加到所有的沙拉和三文治中。
- In Taiwan , Avocado salad and avocado milk are popular foods. 在台湾,酪梨沙拉和酪梨牛奶是很受欢迎的食物。
- The first course was avocado with prawn cocktail dressing. 第一道菜是鲜虾鸡尾酒拌鳄梨。
- If you want something oily which tastes of avocado, eat an avocado. 结果令人不太愉快,但很难理解为什么人们会从很多种类的油中选择它。
- This article will give you a few tips for pruning avocado trees. 这篇文章会给你一些关于修剪鳄梨树的提示。
- Abstract: Avocado belongs to family Lauraceae genus Persea. 鳄梨隶属樟科鳄梨属,是世界著名的热带水果。
- Timing also plays an important role in pruning avocado trees. 定时也是修剪鳄梨树的一条重要原则。
- Avocado Brown Mite can be controlled by powdered sulfur. 鳄梨布朗螨可以控制的硫磺粉.