- Avogadro constant or number 阿伏伽德罗(常)数
- A letter or symbol that represents a particular constant or number, known or unknown, and is not programmer-defined. 文字代表一特定常量或数字的可知或未知的字母或符号,非编程者所规定
- To raise(a quantity or number) to the third power. 求立方求(某一量或数的)立方
- Do you need to take a number one or number two? 你要上大号还是小号?
- In other words,they remain relatively constant or static. 换句话说,它们相对的稳定、静止。
- Selected songs by OSD menu or Number. 支持OSD菜单点歌及编号点歌。
- In other words, they remain relatively constant or static. 换句话说,它们相对的稳定、静止。
- You can take bus Number 263 or Number 270. 您可以乘263路或270路。
- The greater portion or number; the majority. 大多数,大部分在数量上占较大多数; 多数人
- To determine an amount or number. 计算计算数量或数字
- Point or number from which calculation is made. 计算开始的一个点或数
- Max. 8 alphabets or number digits, without space. 最多8个英文字母/数字字元,中间不得有空位。
- The load profile can be constant or increased dynamically through stepping. 负载配置文件可为恒定,或者通过步进动态递增。
- Measurement of Avogadro Constant 阿佛伽德罗常数的测定
- The amount of cargo or number of passengers conveyed. 运输量运载货物的数量或运载乘客的数目
- A word, symbol, or number used as a descriptor for retrieval of information from a collection, especially in a coordinate indexing system. 用作描述符的一种字、符号或数,用于从某一集合中,特别是从某一配位标引系统中检索信息
- Are symbolics used rather than magic number constants or string constants? 是否使用了常数变量,而不是直接写了常数数字和字符串?
- Any constant or constant expression that evaluates to the data type of the parameter. 任何计算为参数数据类型的常数或常数表达式。
- Relation in degree or number between two similar things. 比率,对比两件相似事情在程度或数量上的对比关系
- View expressions that do not map to any column in any table, such as a constant or some types of functions. 不映射到任何表中任何列的视图表达式,例如常量或某些类型的函数。