- Avulsion of infraorbital nerve 眶下神经抽出术
- block anesthesia of infraorbital nerve 眶下神经阻滞麻醉
- anesthesia of infraorbital nerve 眶下神经麻醉[法]
- Methods Four kinds of concentrations of colchicines were injected into the infraorbital nerve of rats respectively. 方法选择4个浓度的秋水仙碱注射于大鼠眶下神经干。
- Neurotization using a part of ulnar nerve is a practicable procedure for restoration of elbow flexion in upper trunk avulsion of brachial plexus. 结论?采用部分尺神经束移位,治疗臂丛上干根性撕脱伤以恢复屈肘功能,是一个可行的有效的手术方法。
- If the injured nerve doesn't recover within 6 months, infraorbital nerve decompression may be selected to promote the recovery of the nerve function. 对伤后6个月神经功能仍未恢复的患者,可考虑行眶下神经减压术。
- Objective: To improve the therapeutic effect of infraorbital neuralgia. 目的:提高三叉神经第2支疼的治疗效果。
- Even relatively minor trauma can result in avulsion of the splenic substance. 甚至轻微的创伤就能引起脾实质撕裂。
- Objective:To improve the therapeutic effect of infraorbital neuralgia. 目的:提高三叉神经第2支疼的治疗效果。
- Even relatively minor trauma can result in avulsion of the spleenic substance. 甚至轻微的创伤就能引起脾实质撕裂。
- Treatment of nerve root avulsion of brachial plexus 臂丛神经根性撕脱伤的治疗
- Effects of methylene blue on rat infraorbital nerve 亚甲蓝对大鼠眶下神经作用的实验研究
- Objective Enhances clinician awareness with the infection of infraorbital space,reduces occurrence which the misdiagnosis and improper treatment. 目的提高临床医生对眶下间隙感染的认识,减少误诊误治的发生。
- Methods Adopting scrotal flap with tunica dartos pedicle or free thigh skin flap to repair avulsion of skin of penis. 方法采用肉膜蒂阴囊皮瓣或游离大腿皮瓣修复阴茎创面。
- Objective Sum up the experience of preventing the avulsion of perineum when delivery. 目的:总结预防分娩时会阴撕裂伤的经验。
- Objective To assess the clinical results of one-stage repair for retrograde avulsion of palm skin. 目的总结手掌皮肤逆行撕脱伤一期手术治疗的效果。
- Objective: To provide anatomical basis for diagnose and treatment of roots avulsion of brachial plexus. 目的:研究臂丛椎管内前后根的显微解剖,为臂丛撕脱伤的诊治提供解剖学基础。
- Objective To report type and early treatment experience of root avulsion of the obstetric brachial plexus palsy. 目的报道产瘫根性撕脱伤分型及早期手术治疗经验。
- Perhaps his nerve is naturally too dull to admit of any excitation. 大概他的神经天生就很迟钝以至不容有任何刺激的余地。
- Avulsion of abdominal vagus nerve 腹迷走神经抽出术