- Tryptophane (1.13%). Enhances the use of B group vitamins, improves nerve fibres. This in its turn contributes to emotional stability and calmness. 色氨基酸:强化维生素B群吸收;改善神经紧张;安定及精神状况.
- B group Vitamin 维生素B
- Separation Experiments of vitamin B group by micellar paper chromatography (MPC) were carried out. 报导了用胶束纸色谱法(MPC)分离维生素B类化合物与主客体色谱在分离化合物方面的应用。
- Keywords Functional link net;Multicomponent simultaneous determination;Four B group vitamins;Correlation coefficient;Standard deviation; 函数连接型网络;多组分同时测定;维生素B;相关系数;标准偏差;
- L-Arg(200 mg/kg)was infused after aortic off-clamping in B group. 根据L-Arg和FDP作用机制的不同,B组于主动脉开放后给予L -Arg 200 mg/kg;
- Clinical materials and effect of A group and B group were analyzed. 对照分析A、B两组的临床资料及疗效。
- Results The group A had rapider HR,than the B group (P<0.05). 05),B组术中及术后不良反应发生率低,平均手术时间短,术后苏醒时间快。
- B group: 11examples, rest the room surgery group for the duodenum. 组:11例,为十二指肠憩室化手术组。
- Angular cheilitis malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies in vitamin B family, or zinc deficiency often occur in persons to a lack of vitamin B group the most common cause of angular cheilitis. 营养不良性口角炎在营养缺乏和维生素B族或锌缺乏者中常有发生,以维生素B族缺乏引起的口角炎最常见。
- The distant metastasis rate was 20.8% in group A and 30% in B group(P<0.01). A、B两组远处转移率分别为20.;8%25和30
- There was no significant difference between B group and C group(P>0.01). B组和C组的淤血发生率无差别(P>0.;01)。
- The spinal cord functional recovery of A group wit helter than B group. 组患者脊髓功能恢复程度比B组好。
- Method:One hundred rats were divided into A and B groups. 方法 :成年雄性SD大鼠 10 0只随机分成A、B2组。
- The predominant enteric viruses in wastewater or river water belong to the coxsackie B group. 在污水和沙水中;占优势的肠道病毒是柯萨奇病毒B.
- The clinical cost was 3723.3 Yuan in A group,markedly less than 5494 Yuan in B group and 5041.1 Yuan in C group. A组 9d疗程药费为 372 3 3元显著低于B组 (5 4 94元 )和C组 (5 0 4 1 .;1元 );同时陪护费、误工费减少 5d。
- Method:The time that A and B groups felt sweet was measured with sugarin test. 方法:经糖精试验测量A、B两组患者感觉甜味所需的时间。
- B group(42 cases) received BCG polysaccharide and nucleic acid preparation [1 mg(2 branches),every 2 d for 1 dose,im]. B组(42例)肌肉注射卡介菌多糖-核酸注射液[1次/2 d,1mg(2支)/次];
- Ostcalcin and AKP in the callus got higher expressions in A group than in B group,but TNF was no difference. A组与B组比较;AKP、Ostcalcin差异有显著性(P<0.;05);NTF两组之间比较差异无显著性(P>0
- In velar rest position, the distance of LEA to VCL was greater in B group than in A group(P<0.01). LEA-VCL距离:静止时A组为-5.;57±5
- Moreover,the expressions of retinal Bak protein of B group were higher than those of A group (P<0.05). 遮盖眼Bak表达均较对照眼增高;且Bak在B组遮盖眼视网膜的表达较A组高;两者差别有统计学意义(P<0.;05);