- B party control 被叫控制
- But they brought rising inequality to Cuban society, and undermined party control. 但是,他们让古巴社会中存在的不平等现象增多,而且还削弱了政党的控制权力。
- It would be disingenuous to deny that land reform will loosen party control in the long run. 从长远来看,土地改革会使政党控制变的宽松,这一点是不容否认的。
- The interlocking of party control and societal influences has determined the typical images of “Chinese Women” suited to particular periods of time. 党的领导和社会变革的相互作用最终决定了杂志在不同时期所塑造的典型的中国女性形象。
- The top editor of one of China's boldest newspapers has been dismissed in what observers said was a move to strengthen Communist Party control over the media. 中国最大胆的其中一份报纸的总编辑已遭撤职,观察家认为,这是为了强化中国共产党对媒体的控制。
- B party must complete teaching tasks assigned by A party with quality guarantee within given time period. (100% English teaching). with principal of guaranteed 16 lecture hours per week. 乙方在规定时间内必须保质保量完成甲方安排的教学任务(纯英文教学).;原则上周学时保证16学时
- Foreign investors will be permitted to construct and manage trunk lines on condition that the Chinese party controls the shares. 对于干线铁路,在中方控股或占主导地位的前提下,也允许外商投资建设和经营。
- This situation also can exist at the state level, with one party controlling the governorship and another controlling the state legislature. 此种情况也可能发生在州一级,即州长属于一个党,而另一党控制州议会。
- For some Republicans he recalls the days when the party controlled Congress and they romped over their Democratic colleagues. 对于某些共和党人来讲,他仍然依恋那些由共和党控制国会的日子,以及共和党国会议员在民主党国会议员面前走过时的兴奋。
- A recount is also possible in Virginia, the only state yet to be decided, and the one that will determine which party controls the Senate. 在V州重新记票也是可能的,V州是最后一个尚未决出胜负的州,也将决定哪个党能够控制参议院。
- Your party controls the White House, has a 38+ seat margin in the House, and has the 60 Senate seats needed to overcome any filibuster. 12、民主党控制白宫,并在众议院多于共和党38个席次,在参议院要克服来自60个席位参议员的任何阻碍。
- third- party control of data transfer 第三方控制数据传输
- Through answering these incident, the party controls the ability of complex phase gets escalate, accumulated rich processing and the experience that resolve sudden episode. 通过应对这些事件,党驾驭复杂局面的能力得到逐步增强,积累了丰富的处理和解决突发事件的经验。
- In English, b, p, m and w are bilabials. 英语中的b、p、m、w为双唇音。
- C comes after B in the alphabet. 在字母表中C接在B后面。
- The "b" in "comb" is not sounded. comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。
- The old woman does not know from A to B. 这位老太太一字不识。
- B comes before C in the alphabet. B在字母表里排在C之前。
- B: OK, but next time I'm in control. 好,不过下次换我主导。
- B: I got a brand-new remote control robot. 我得到一台全新的遥控机器人。