- The influence of temperature on nitrification ability of BAC filter under the condition of high NH4(superscript +)-Ninfluent water was studied. 研究了温度对高氨氮进水条件下生物活性炭滤池硝化能力的影响。
- Therefore,the removal efficiencies of turbidity and particle count,as substitution indexes,were used to judge the control effect of BAC filter on Cryptosporidium and Giardia. 传统的贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫(简称"两虫")检测方法存在诸多不足,为此选用浊度和颗粒数作为"两虫"的替代指标,以对浊度和颗粒物的去除率来衡量生物活性炭(BAC)滤池对"两虫"的控制效果。
- A past of high NH4(superscript +)-N source water not biological treated was fed into BAC filter after conventional treatment to enhance the NH4 (superscript +)-N concentration of BAC filter influent water. 将一部分未经生物预处理的高氨氮原水经常规处理后进入生物活性炭滤池以提高活性炭滤池进水氨氮浓度。
- filter bac filter backwash water 滤池反冲洗水
- The experimental results showed: the water quality of BAC filters effluent and the property and structure of activated carbon had correlation in some extents. 实验结果表明:滤池出水的水质指标和活性炭的性能与结构两者之间存在相关性。
- You need to filter the drinking water. 你需要把饮用水过滤。
- A filter traps dust from the air. 过滤网可存住空气中的尘埃。
- The news of the defeat started to filter through. 战败的消息开始传出来。
- It won't take long to filter the coffee. 用不了多少时间就可以把咖啡过滤好。
- I took this picture with a red filter. 这张照片我是用红色滤光镜拍摄的。
- We usually clear the water with a filter. 我们通常用过滤器使水净化。
- Put the coffee in the filter and let the water run through. 把咖啡倒入滤器里让水流过。
- Could you tae me to Melbourne and brng me bac? 你能带我去墨尔本在接我回来吗?
- The incidence of BAC is increasing in recent years. 近年来,其发生率逐渐上升。
- The filter cleans the fuel before it enters the engine. 在燃料进入发动机之前,过滤器先把它过滤。
- A lttle more off the bac (sdes/top). 后面(两边、头顶)请再剪一些。
- Layered gravel and charcoal to make a filter. 将砂砾和木炭分层以做成过滤器
- I am Sophy, BAC tutorial group 5 student. 谈一谈最近看的几部电影吧。
- Smith Hu:Dear All, I already come bac... 这次练团会有谁?小旺应该已经...
- By hat tme should be bac to the bus? 什么时候我应该回到车上?