- NIH/3T3细胞NIH/3T3 cell
- APA-3T3细胞微囊的深低温保存Method of cytoperservation APA microencapsulated 3T3 cells
- 重组病毒感染NIH 3T3细胞,FACS检测重组病毒滴度;NIH 3T3 cells were infected with the rLent/EGFP and the fluorescence was detected.
- 细胞cell
- 磷酸钙沉淀法在HPV-18 DNA转染NIH 3T3细胞中的应用An Application of Calcium Phosuhate Technique in NIH 3T3
- 细胞的cellular
- 制备L783V/3T3细胞无细胞提取液,接种新生昆明种乳鼠,能诱发淋巴细胞型白血病。Lymphocytic leukemia could be induced by inoculation of cell-free extracts from L783V/3T3 cells into Kunming strain newborn mice.
- 细胞分裂segmentation
- 细胞生物学cytobiology
- 3T3-L13T3-L1
- 上皮细胞epithelium
- 3T3细胞系3T3 cells(CCL-92)
- 单核细胞monocyte
- 3T3细胞系(CCL-92)3T3 cells(CCL-92)
- 免疫细胞immunocyte
- 3T3-L1脂肪前体细胞3T3-L1 preadipocyte
- 巨噬细胞macrophage
- 细胞色素cytochrome
- 细胞因子cell factor
- 细胞培养cell culture