- BS in Nuclear Medicine Tech 核化医疗科技
- In nuclear medicine, there are well-established guidelines for administering radiopharmaceutical doses for adults. 对于成人来说,核医学建立了非常完善的使用放射性核素药物的剂量标准。
- The development of radiolabeled peptide_based radiopharmaceuticals for imaging a variety of tumors has seen a new era in nuclear medicine. 利用标记小肽进行功能显像有望开创核素显像与肿瘤生物学研究的新纪元。
- Multimedia technology is being extensively used in nuclear medicine teaching because of its many advantages over other traditional means of teaching. 多媒体技术有许多传统教学手段无法比拟的优越性,正在越来越广泛地应用于核医学教学之中。
- The researchers are specialists in nuclear medicine, which uses radioactive compounds to help make images of the body. They designed and built a molecule called FDDNP. 参与研究的人员是核医学专家,他们使用放射性化合物对人体内部组织进行造影。为此,他们设计和建立了一种叫做。
- In general,the students in Chinese medical universities have technophobia in nuclear medicine experiment,which gives reduction to the cognition and learning of the students. 学生对核医学实验课普遍存在恐惧心理,影响该门课程中的学习认知水平。
- Unfortunately, current independent pathways for graduate medical education (GME) in nuclear medicine and radiology do not provide adequate training or experience to achieve this level of proficiency.. 不幸的是,目前核医学专业和放射学专业的学院教育各自互不相关,并不能提供达到上述专业水准要求的经验和所需培训。
- He holds a BS in philosophy from Skidmore College. 他拥有Skidmore学院的哲学学士学位。
- Proponents are confident that the addition of CT will provide a new springboard for SPECT in nuclear cardiology as well as other functional studies, revitalizing traditional nuclear medicine. 支持者认为SPECT-CT能成为核医心脏和其他功能影像检查的一个新的起跳板,给传统的核医学增加活力。
- Besides, continuous education for improving professional knowledge and strengthening radiation protection are imperious for radiological technologists in nuclear medicine services. 核医技术日新月益,有赖专业知识不断的提升与辐防教育的加强,此二者亦为核医造影放射师目前迫切的需要。
- Nuclear Medicine Week allows physicians, technologists, scientists, and others involved in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging to take a proactive role in the advancement of the field. 核医学周是为了让医生、技术人员、科学工作者和其他与核医学及分子影像有关的人员提前了解核医学领域的最新进展。
- China Xinxing Medicine Tech Dev Corp. 中国新兴医药科技发展总公司。
- Master of Science in Nuclear Medicine Technology 核子医学科技硕士
- Diagnostic Patterns in Nuclear Medicine 核医学中诊断图像
- Do you believe in nuclear dis-armament? 你认为真能裁减核军备吗?
- registered technologist in nuclear medicine 注册核医学技术员
- Do you believe in nuclear dis-armament ? 你认为真能裁减核军备吗?
- Do you believe in nuclear dis.- armament? 你认为真能裁减核军备吗?
- Do you believe in nuclear dis.armament ? 你认为真能裁减核军备吗?
- He's very interested in nuclear physics. 他对核物理学非常感兴趣。