- Studies on Functions of Bacillus Circulars 硅酸盐细菌几种功能的研究
- The bacillus can attack us from many ways. 细菌能从许多途径侵入我们。
- We can not see bacillus with eyes. 我们不能用肉眼看到杆状菌。
- We can compute the circular area with radius. 我们能用半径计算出圆的面积。
- My personal letters got muddled up with a batch of circulars. 我的私人信件和一批通知混在一起了。
- The full moon has a circular form. 满月呈圆形。
- Bacillus circulars 环状芽孢杆菌
- I'm not satisfied with his circular explanation. 我不满意他拐弯抹角的解释。
- The full moon has a circular shape. 满月呈圆形。
- The organization issues a circular every month. 该组织每月发一份通告。
- Something of circular form; a circle or an orbit. 圆形物体圆形物体; 圆圈或环形轨道
- An instrument that measures circular arcs. 圆弧测定器一种用于测定圆弧的仪器
- He throw the letter after the circulars. 他把那封信也扔到传单里面。
- Biological Control of Rice Blast with Bacillus spp. 水稻稻瘟病拮抗细菌的筛选与防治初探。
- A circular or spiral motion, especially a circular ocean current. 游涡一种圆形或螺旋形的运动,特别是做圆环运动的海水水流
- The STOP kit uses a culture of Bacillus subtilis. 棉签法检验工具使用枯草芽孢杆菌培养。
- A painting or an engraving set in an oval or circular frame. 圆形浮雕镶嵌于椭圆形或圆形框架中之绘画或雕刻
- Have you seen that circular from the new furniture centre? 你见到那家本地新开的家俱总汇的广告了吗?
- A small, circular or crescent-shaped opening in a vaulted roof. 半圆壁,弧形窗在高高的屋顶上的小的,圆的或新月形的开口