- Epitomises the structure of the artificial neural network(ANN) and the backward propagation algorithm,and emphasises their application aspects of control,modelling and optimisation. 概略介绍了人工神经元网络的结构及反向传播算法的特点,着重从控制、建模和优化方面阐述了人工神经元网络在暖通空调系统中的应用。
- Backward propagation algorithm 反向传播算法
- Using the improved error backward propagation, the model is trained with stylebook data and validated its effect by other stylebook data. 利用误差反向传播的改进算法对样本数据进行训练,并用另外的一些样本数据验证模型的应用效果。
- The diagnosis results show that the method can reach higher diagnosis veracity compared with that by the approach of backward propagation neural network (BP NN). 诊断结果表明与常用的BP神经网络相比可以获得较高的诊断精度。
- M.Saerens,A.Soquet.Neural Controller Based on Back [J] Propagation Algorithm [J].IEE Proceeding-F,1991,(138)1. 何培恒等.;采用抛物线型过渡降低台肩上应力集中的一种推广应用[J]
- In this paper,the back propagation algorithm of a multilayer feedforw ard neural network was defined as BP algorithm? 利用前向多层神经网络的反向传播算法,即BP算法。
- A new nonlinear BSS approach is developed by applying Edgeworth expansion and adaptive cumulant estimation into information back propagation algorithm. 将Edgeworth展开代入信息后向传输算法中,通过一种新的自适应累积量估计方法,克服了原算法指出的Edgeworth展开在盲信号分离中的缺限。
- This article shows that the sum-product decoding algorithm for the LDCC can be improved with a local probabilistic propagation algorithm. LDCC码的和积算法译码方法可以进一步改进为局部概率传播译码方法。
- Based on this similarity measure,a global energy function is constructed and the final disparity map is obtained by the improved belief propagation algorithm. 在此基础上建立全局能量函数,并采用改进的置信度传播算法进行视差图的求解。
- backward propagation (BP) neural network BP神经网络
- backward propagation neural network BP神经网络
- Finally,compared with the SLAM algorithm and Levenberg-Marquardt Back Propagation algorithm,the proposed algorithm is testified to have the better computation efficiency and generalization ability. 最后 ,与SLAM算法和Levenberg Marquardt后向传播 (LMBP)算法的实验对比结果证实了该算法的有效性
- Based on the driving model of unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) simulation servo system, a novel scheme based on on-line learning error back propagation algorithm(EBPA) was proposed in designing UAV simulation servo system. 针对无人机(UAV)仿真伺服系统的驱动模型,提出了一种将误差反传算法用于UAV仿真伺服系统在线学习设计的新方案。
- The potential utility of feed forward artificial neural network using the back propagation algorithm (BP-ANN), in interpreting pyrogram data from traditional Chinese medicine was discussed. 将以误差反向传播为训练算法的前馈式人工神经网络(BP-ANN)首次用于中草药的裂解气相色谱谱图解析。
- Abstract The potential utility of feed forward artificial neural network using the back propagation algorithm (BP-ANN), in interpreting pyrogram data from traditional Chinese medicine was discussed. 摘要将以误差反向传播为训练算法的前馈式人工神经网络(BP-ANN)首次用于中草药的裂解气相色谱谱图解析。
- To compensate the disadvantage of the conventional back propagation algorithm(CBPA),an improved learning algorithm,which trained a BP neural network by the genetic algorithm,was developed. 考虑到BP算法的不足,提出用遗传算法来优化BP神经网络的连接权值,设计了基于进化神经网络的学习算法,建立了陶瓷材料电加工表面粗糙度随工艺参数变化的预测模型。
- In this paper, three optimized propagation algorithms for MRD are presented, D-M, ILS and LIS. 提出了关于MRD的3个优化传播算法:D-M;ILS和LIS算法.
- He lined out for home without a backward glance. 他头也不回,急忙往家里走去。
- The advantages and disadvantages of Back Propagation Algorithm (BP) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) are analysed, combination of the two algorithms forms GA-BP. 分析了遗传算法(GA)和BP算法的优缺点,将GA算法与BP算法有机地结合,形成了遗传BP算法。
- This part of the country is still backward. 这个国家的这个地区仍很落后。