- Bai Juyi, the Tang poet mentioned earlier, was once governor of Hangzhou. 唐代著名诗人白居易,担任过杭州刺史。
- Bai Juyi wrote all his poems for the crowed rather than for specialists. 白居易的全部诗作都是为 大众所写;而不是写 给专家们.
- This love story as related by Bai Juyi in Song of Eternal Sorrow is indeed pathetically touching. 白居易记录在《长恨歌》里的这段故事,读来感人肺腑。
- Bai Juyi academic centres for domestic and foreign experts, scholars and research activities of the establishments. 白居易学术中心则是为国内外专家、学者提供研究和活动的场所。
- Bai Juyi lived in Weinan on and off for about ten years, apart from living in Dingmuyou as long as four years. 摘要白居易在渭南居住约十年,其中最久的一次是丁母忧的四年。
- The Tang Dynasty produced a host of great poets, such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi. 唐朝有很多大诗人, 像李白、杜甫、白居易等。
- During his term of office, Su Dongpo, like Bai Juyi before him, had also had the lake dredged and a causeway constructed, which is Su'Ti today. 苏轼在任上,跟白居易一样也疏湖造堤,筑成了今日的苏堤。
- As part of the deal, the London underground is displaying lines in English from some of China's great wordsmiths: Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi. 根据协议,伦敦地铁内也在展出中国大文豪李白、杜甫和白居易的英译诗句。
- The paper presents that Bai Juyi's anxiety is a multi-echelon and complicated,which makes his thought deeper and maturer. 认为白居易的忧患情结是一个多层次、复杂的结构体,这也使得他的思想愈加深沉、愈加成熟了。
- Bai Juyi’s (A.D.772 -846) poem is always popular widely.One of the reasons is that his poem is very easy to understand. 白居易(公元772-846)诗历来广受欢迎,与其较强的口语性有关。
- Therefore, the so-called "Yuanhe style" not only means Yuanzhen and Bai Juyi's some kind of poems, but contains profoud and abundant epoch connotation. 因此,所谓“元和体”,显然并非仅是元镇和白居易的某种类型诗作的特指,而是包容着深广而丰富的时代性内涵。
- Pond crane [ Tang ] Bai Juyi In front of Gao Zhulong does not have the companion, in thechaotic group chicken has the weathercock. 在高高的竹笼前没有自己的同伴,在乱哄的鸡群却有着自己的风度。
- Tang danasty was an important period of change of Chinese ancient garden practice of famous poet Bai Juyi of Dang danasty played a critical role in change. 摘要唐代是中国古代园林风格转变的重要时期,唐代大诗人白居易的造园实践在这一转变中起到了至关重要的作用。
- Hangzhou poet Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty when Cishi poem says: "favorite lake eastbound inadequate, Luk Yeung Sun Chuen, Lai Pak Sha embankment," said this is the embankment. 唐代诗人白居易任杭州刺史时有诗云:“最爱湖东行不足,绿杨荫里白沙堤”,说的就是这条堤。
- Bai Juyi's aesthetic appreciation to landscape lays stress on the harmonious unification of nature scenery and humanity environment, and is particular about naturalism. 摘要白居易山水审美非常注重自然景物与人文环境的和谐统一,讲求清雅素朴而自然天成。
- Bai Juyi's poems wrote in Xia ji have expressed his complicated feelings ranging from the conflicts between being an official and a hermit to painful experience. 白居易作于渭南下邽的诗篇真切地反映了他复杂的人生情怀:仕与隐的矛盾、重情与忘情的纠葛、生命的痛苦体验与消解苦痛的释然。
- Secondly, the article concludes Bai Juyi's life style as a mid-hermit and his simple methods of gardening which played an important role on Chinese classical private garden. 本文阐述了唐朝诗人白居易的园林情结,剖析其园林思想,并归纳他的“中隐”思想和朴实造园手法对传统私家园林产生的深远影响。
- As described in the long poem Song of Eternal Sorrow by Bai Juyi the famous Tang poet, /One cold spring day she was ordered /To bathe in the Huaqing Palace baths/The warm water slipped down /Her glistening jade-like body. 白居易“长恨歌”中说“春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂”,记的即是此事。
- The article firstly states Bai Juyi's emotion with gardening through the elements of garden, such as mountain, water, plants, architecture and so on, and analyses his theory of gardening. 本文阐述了唐朝诗人白居易的园林情结,剖析其园林思想,并归纳他的“中隐”思想和朴实造园手法对传统私家园林产生的深远影响。
- Walk into this romantic atmosphere, let a person can't help associating the verse that has Bai Juyi: "Spring chill grants bath Hua Qingchi, hot spring water is slippery wash coagulate fat " . 走进这浪漫的氛围,让人不禁联想起白居易的诗:“春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂”。