- Bandwidth Reservation Protocol 带宽保留协议
- We design and analyze novel bandwidth reservation schemes for next-generation high-speed multimedia wireless networks. 我们设计和分析新的频道预留方案于下一代高速多媒体无线网路。
- The implementation stratagem of the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) is mostly introduced from some aspects including of RAS protocol of H.225,H. 本文着重介绍了资源预留协议(RSVP)在H.;225的RAS协议、H
- For improving performance, a novel algorithm, Deadlock-Free Reservation Protocol with Preempting resource (DFRP2), is proposed. 为了增进效能,我们提出了一种利用先佔式资源达到高效能及死结避免的保留协定,简称DFRP2。
- In this paper we introduced a Signaling Nested Reservation Protocol (SNRP) based on the Backword Reservation Protocol (BRP). 摘要文章介绍了一种基于后向预留机制的信令嵌套预留协议(SNRP)。
- The Internet Engineering Task Force is developing enhancements to the IP family,including the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP),to support QoS over IP-based internet works. 互联网工程设计特别小组正在递交对IP系列标准的增强规范,包括资源保留协议(RSVP)以便在基于IP的互联网上支持QoS。
- Based on the applied environments of multimedia wireless networks, diverse bandwidth reservation mechanisms, handoff prediction scheme, and admission control algorithms are presented in this thesis. 根据无线多媒体网路的应用环境,本论文提出多样化的频道预留机制、递交预测方法、及允入控制的运算法则。
- RSVP (ReSource Reservation Protocol) is the most popular signaling protocol in Intserv model, which is receiver-initiated and makes flow-based end-to-end resource reservation. 资源预留协议(RSVP,ReSource Reservation Protocol)是综合服务中最常用的信令协议,是由接受端发起的,它对基于流的QoS请求进行端到端的资源预留。
- Others will implement enhanced QoS and broadcast reduction capabilities based on the pending Real-time Transfer Protocol and Resource Reservation Protocol standards. 其它的交换机将实现增强的QoS和广播缩减功能,这些功能是基于尚未最后确定的实时传输协议和资源保留协议等标准。
- The Internet Engineering Task Force is developing enhancements to the IP family, including the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), to support QoS over IP-based internet works. 互联网工程设计特别小组正在递交对IP系列标准的增强规范,包括资源保留协议(rsvp)以便在基于IP的互联网上支持QoS。
- Meanwhile, we analyzed the signaling mechanism which is used to improve the Nested Reservation Protocol (NRP).The SNRP can be used in ION to enhance the performance of ION. 文章还分析了SNRP使用信令机制来提高嵌套预留协议(NRP)性能的措施,SNRP可运用于智能光网络,以增强智能光网络的性能。
- The one-way reservation protocol used in Optical Burst Switching(OBS) makes current routing and wavelength assignment(RWA) algorithms suffer from high burst blocking probability. 摘要为了减小光突发交换网络中单向预留协议的盲目性,引入光突发交换网络逻辑拓扑的概念,并基于逻辑拓扑提出了一种路由和波长分配算法。
- According to the analysis of resource reservation protocol(RSVP), this paper puts forward an implementation scheme to the QoS of VPN, which is implemented by IPSec tunneling protocol. 本文在分析资源预留协议的基础上,给出一种基于IP安全协议隧道协议的虚拟专用网服务质量的实现方案。
- A Multipath Bandwidth Reservation Algorithm Based on CDMA-over-TDMA 基于CDMA-over-TDMA的多路带宽预留算法
- Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) is a network layer signaling protocol that allows applications to reserve network resources for data flows. 摘要资源预留协议(RSVP)是网络层的信令协议,用来为传输的数据流预留网络资源。
- This article analyse RSVP protocol in current internet environment and bring up a priority resource reserve protocol. 针对当前internet网络环境;分析了RSVP协议;提出了一种带有优先级的资源预留协议PRIORIY-RSVP.
- A Fast Routing Algorithm for Group Multicast with Bandwidth Reservation 带宽预留的成组多播快速路由算法
- Backword Reservation Protocol(BRP) 后向预留协议
- resource reservation protocol (RSVP) 资源预留协议
- destination reservation protocol 目的端预留协议