- Barrow and Cadbury Trust Fund 巴罗和卡德布雷信托基金
- The name and term of the securities investment trust fund. 二证券投资信?基金之名称及其存续期间。
- Your trust fund ... your vodka and cognac wasn't enough. 他空空茫茫的眼睛里,只有那个傻胖子痴痴的笑。
- A profligate heir who decimated his trust fund. 急剧减少信托基金的恣意挥霍的继承人
- She set up a trust fund for her children. 她为子女设立了一个信托基金。
- Fanta and Cadbury are among the companies that have run successful campaigns. 芬达和吉百利食品的广告企划可能是各家公司里最成功的。
- We're putting money into a trust fund. 我们在信用基金方面投资。
- Chocolate Haven is a good shop.Whittaker's and Cadbury are good brands. 会被放在一个小篮子里;再买朵玫瑰............情人节很好的礼物.
- He set up a trust fund for his niece. 他为侄女建立了信托基金。
- A profligateheir who decimated his trust fund. 急剧减少信托基金的恣意挥霍的继承人。
- Shay: Well, I was thinking of using my trust fund. 夏伊:这个嘛,我打算动用我的信讬基金。
- It is anon-statutory trust fund, administered by a board of trustees. 该基金以非法定信讬形式成立,由信讬委员会管理。
- He appropriated the trust funds for himself. 他挪用信托资金。
- It is anon-statutory trust fund,administered by a board of trustees. 该基金以非法定信讬形式成立,由信讬委员会管理。
- It is anon-statutory trust fund, administered by a board of trustees . 该基金以非法定信讬形式成立,由信讬委员会管理。
- "We remain totally committed to protecting our brand identity and Cadbury will appeal this decision. “我们仍然完全致力于保护我们的品牌标识和吉百利将上诉这一决定。
- Starting in July, several thousand walrus abandoned the ice pack for gathering spots known as haulouts between Barrow and Cape Lisburne, a 300-mile stretch of Alaska coastline. 从今年7月开始,数千头海象离开它们原先栖息的浮冰带,迁移至位于巴罗和利斯本角之间绵延300英里的阿拉斯加海岸线的延伸地带聚居。
- These days a benevolent billionaire might set up a charitable trust fund. 这些天,一位乐善好施的亿万富翁可能会成立一个公益信托基金会。
- Kraft and Cadbury had bent the merger, the creation of the world's largest snack food, candy and fast food manufacturers. 卡夫原本一心与吉百利合并,创立全球最大零食、糖果及快餐的生产商。