- Basal stem rot of cucumber 黄瓜茎基腐病
- stem rot of cucumber 黄瓜菌核病
- In this article, the development of research on distribution and damage, symptomatology, etiology, disease cycle and control measures of oil palm basal stem rot are summarized. 综述了油棕茎基腐病的分布与危害、病害症状学、病原物与传播途径、防控技术等方面的研究进展。
- Matck-stick inoculation method was used to screen for resistance to sclerotinia stem rot of rapeseed. 建议在使用牙签穿刺法鉴定的同时,结合使用别的菌核病抗性鉴定方法。
- Abstract: Assessing method of resistance to sclerotinia stem rot of rapeseed-match-stick inoculation method during flowering time was studied. 摘 要: 在人工气候室进行的不同温度、不同相对湿度条件下花期牙签接种试验的结果表明:温度和相对湿度显著地影响病斑的长度。
- sclerotium leaf and stem rot of white mulberry 桑首绢病
- A Study on Stem Rot of Prickly Ash 花椒干腐病研究
- basal stem rot 基腐病
- One day, i ate these kinds of cucumber. 某日,我吃到了这样的黄瓜。
- Senescence is the key problem of cucumber storage. 衰老是黄瓜贮藏中的主要问题。
- Identification of pathogen causing Phytophthora stem rot of adzuki bean and screening for resistant germplasm 小豆疫霉茎腐病病原菌鉴定及抗病资源筛选
- stem rot of beet 甜菜菌核病
- alternaria stem rot of colza 油菜黑斑病
- stem rot of clover 三叶草腐烂病
- stem rot of sweet potato 甘薯蔓割病
- It was identified that Cytospora leucostoma was the pathogen of bayberry stem rot. 经鉴定,杨梅腐烂病菌为核果壳囊孢菌(Cytospora leucostoma)。
- It was found that calcium reduced elongation of cucumber hypocotyls. 有人发现,钙能抑制黄瓜胚轴的伸长。
- A bacteria J352 with antagonism was obtained from rhizosphere of cucumber. J352是从黄瓜根际筛选到的一株对病原真菌具有拮抗作用的细菌。
- stem rot of tomato 番茄菌核病
- PGPR microbial agent also has obvious biocontrol effect and decreased the infection ratio of stem rot caused by S. sclerotiorum. 油菜PGPR菌剂具有明显的生防效果,能降低油菜菌核病的发病率;