- Base shearing force 基底剪力
- base shear force 结构底部剪力
- The result of this shearing force is to push the endoplasm forward. 这种剪切力作用的结果是推动内质向前。
- Shear force is implicit in the development of bending moments. 杆中的剪力在弯矩的推导中是不明显的。
- Because the tissue is defers to conventional the method in the base shear, therefore must patch and the redesign is a very big challenge. 因为薄纱是按照常规的方法在底部剪断的,所以要修补和重新设计是个很大的挑战。
- Abstract: Shear force is interrelating with width and thickness of plate and obliquity of knife-edge. 文摘:斜刃剪切时,剪切力的大小与板料的宽度、厚度及斜刃倾角有关。
- The firmness, elasticity and shearing force of bread by rheometer during storage of bread were determined. 采用流变仪测定了面包在贮存期间的硬度、弹性及剪切力的变化。
- Generally,the shearing force of rotary plate shearing machine was calculated by the formula of linear motion. 摆式剪板机剪切力计算一般按直线运动刀架剪板机剪切力计算式进行计算。
- Test results of law of hysteresis loop,displacement response and base shear response of the model are analyzed and the analyzing results are compared with result. 对结构模型的滞回曲线、位移反应、基底剪力反应规律的试验结果进行了分析比较。
- The castor bean meal can be detoxified effectively, under the presence of chemical agent, and throngh extrusion-expansion of the high temperature and high shearing force. 蓖麻粕在化学剂存在下,经过高温,高剪切力挤压膨化可以有效地脱毒。脱毒蓖麻粕的蛋白质含量及氨基酸组成变化不大。
- Shear force and torsion effects can be taken into account in a similar way, by the addition of further terms. 相似地,追加更多项就可以考虑剪力和扭矩的影响。
- The concrete wall is suffered with horizontal shear force and moment in the plane of the wall. 通常钢筋混凝土墙主要用于承受水平剪力作用及承受墙平面内的弯矩作用。
- By applying a shearing force to the kneaded mass powdery crystalline maltitol can be obtained continuously and at a high yield. 用淀粉制取的麦芽糖醇溶液常常含有少量的山梨醇、麦芽三糖醇以及其它的低聚糖氢化物。
- The diagram of shearing force is formulated by trigonometric series and used to determine the coefficients in above expansions. 剪力图是由三角级数表示的,并用于决定上述本征函数展开式的待定系数。
- Under vibration force, soil particle shear force disappears, this is referred to as liquifaction. 译者把这段话译完后,中方工程师立即说这叫“土壤液化”。
- Steel wire ring alone can form great shearing force, which may cause fragmentation of symphysis pubis or steel wire breakage. 单纯钢丝环扎在局部形成较大的剪切力,力量集中一点容易使耻骨联合骨质碎裂或钢丝断裂。
- Retrofit and repairmentnt of concrete structure by FRP for resistance of shear force is a main application. FRP抗剪加固是FRP加固应用的一种主要方式,目前研究重点主要针对梁和柱;
- The hyperelastic deformation of artificial intervertebral disc under the loadings of extension, pressure and shearing force are investigated. 研究了在拉、压、剪切作用下人工椎间盘的超弹性变形和应力-应变关系。
- Shear force is interrelating with width and thickness of plate and obliquity of knife-edge. 斜刃剪切时,剪切力的大小与板料的宽度、厚度及斜刃倾角有关。
- Even a very small shearing force will deform a fluid body, but the velocity of the deformation will be correspondingly small. 只要一个很微小的剪切力就会使流体发生变形,但是变形的速度会对应比较小。