- Battalion Kitchen Bivouac 营伙房地区
- The battalion's outposts were called in. 该营的前哨部队已被召回。
- She stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife. 她拿菜刀捅伤了他的腿。
- This battalion is composed of 800 soldiers. 这个营是由八百个人组成的。
- Everything in the kitchen is in good order. 厨房里的每样东西都井然有序。
- The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out. 厨房里的电灯泡烧坏了。
- Have you swept out the kitchen as you promised? 你答应扫厨房,你扫了吗?
- The second battalion is/are going abroad. 第二营即将开赴国外。
- I start off as a kitchen helper. 我开始是干厨房帮手的活。
- The open door revealed an untidy kitchen. 透过敞开的房门可以看见凌乱的厨房。
- The cooker won't fit in/into your new kitchen. 你的新厨房装不下这套炉具。
- The inspector find cockroach in the bottle kitchen. 卫生检查员在饭店厨房发现了蟑螂。
- The kitchen is an integral part of a house. 厨房是房子不可缺的部分
- The battalion commander lined his men along the railway. 营长命令士兵们沿铁轨排开。
- There are several scoops in my kitchen. 我的厨房里有好几个勺子。
- In barracks all the officers of a battalion mess together. 在营房里,全营军官都在一起吃饭。
- They always keep their kitchen spick and span. 他们的厨房总是很整洁。
- This is more of a sitting room than a kitchen. 与其说这是一个厨房还不如说这是一个起居室。
- There is a two-burner stove in the kitchen. 厨房里有一个两个火眼的煤气炉。
- They usually eat their breakfast in the kitchen. 他们通常在厨房吃早饭。