- Battalion Orderly Room 营部办公室
- On arrival, new recruits should report to the orderly room. 新兵到来时要到办公室报到。
- On arrival,new recruits should report to the orderly room. 新兵一到就应该到勤务兵房间报道。
- Some family housing area relatively narrow, small items no home front, do you ever make full use of existing space, the planning for an orderly room? 有的家庭,住房面积比较狭小,家中的小物品无处摆放,你是否想过充分利用现有的空间,把房间规划得井然有序?
- It's an orderly room. 这是个整洁的房间。
- The battalion's outposts were called in. 该营的前哨部队已被召回。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 没有空气调节器,在这间屋里很难入睡。
- This battalion is composed of 800 soldiers. 这个营是由八百个人组成的。
- The children lined up in an orderly fashion. 孩子们整整齐齐排好队。
- The second battalion is/are going abroad. 第二营即将开赴国外。
- The crowd left the square in an orderly way. 群众井然有序地离开了广场。
- He bounced into the room with a springy step. 他以轻快的跑步跳进房间。
- Orderly in the upkeep of his rooms. 在保养他的房间上一丝不苟
- The battalion commander lined his men along the railway. 营长命令士兵们沿铁轨排开。
- In barracks all the officers of a battalion mess together. 在营房里,全营军官都在一起吃饭。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。
- The furniture in the room was placed askew. 屋子里的家俱摆得歪歪斜斜。
- Battalion Orderly Sergeant 营传令军士
- The girl went over the room quickly with a duster. 女孩用掸帚很快地把房间清理了一下。