- Battle Casualty Replacement 战斗伤亡补充兵员
- In crossing the Moselle and taking Metz, Third Army had suffered 47,039 battle casualties. 在横渡摩泽尔河,攻克梅斯的过程中,第3集团军付出47039人战斗伤亡。
- He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle. 他在一次激战中奋战而死。
- The cottage was a casualty of the forest fire. 那小屋被森林大火烧毁。
- The battle finally brought the war to an end. 这一仗使这场战争终告结束。
- In addition, we supply small parts for replacement. 此外,我们还提供备用小零件。
- The skirmish grew into a major battle. 小冲突扩大形成大战斗。
- A soldier's courage is put to the proof in battle. 士兵的勇气在战斗中得到考验。
- How many enemies bit the dust in the battle? 在这次战斗中打死了多少敌人?
- Good job they have get a replacement for him. 他们把他替换下来真不错。
- I am sick and tried of fighting a losing battle. 我对从事一场毫无成功希望的斗争厌倦了。
- He had his leg shot off in a battle. 在一次战斗中,他的一条腿给打断了。
- The city lay in the dust after the battle. 战斗结束后,全城成为废墟。
- Our soldiers bore away the palm in the battle. 我们的战士赢得了这场战斗。
- We need a replacement for the secretary who left. 我们需要一个人代替已离职的秘书。
- He harangued the troops before a battle. 他在战前向士兵作了慷慨激昂的讲话。
- The battle began in dead earnest. 战斗实际上已开始。
- The troops were arrayed for the battle. 军队已按战斗队形部署好。
- A replacement for deleted matter. 替代被注销内容的东西
- He received a serious wound in the battle. 在这次战斗中他受了重伤。