- Battle Command Training Team 战斗指挥训练小组
- Battle Commanders Training Facility 战斗指挥官训练设施
- Battle Command Training Program 作战指挥训练方案
- Training team with Indian deputies and local Chinese resource. 由印度代表和本地中国人组成的培训团队。
- Intifada, He Long and other risk Qianglindanyu in the small building on the steps of the battle command. 起义时,贺龙等冒着枪林弹雨在小楼的台阶上指挥战斗。
- This training team will train other trainers who, in turn, will train farmers. 培训组将培训其他的教员,这些教员将培训农民。
- The Ambulance Command Training School had a very tight training schedule in the year. 年内,救护训练学校的训练课程编排得相当紧密。
- Iverson immediately launched a training team was back to help the lounge. 艾弗森当即推出了训练,被队友扶回了休息室。
- This fresh approach to command training is being assessed and may be extended to other courses. 这种指挥训练的新方法现正进行评估,日后可能会扩展至其他课程。
- The Fire Services Training School and the Ambulance Command Training School organise a 26-week initial training for new recruits. 消防训练学校及救护训练学校均为新聘人员提供26星期的初级训练。
- However,although much of the enemy's strategic and campaign command is incompetent,there are quite a few excellent points in his battle command,that is,in his unit and small formation tactics,and here we should learn from him. 敌人的战略战役指挥许多不行,但其战斗指挥,即部队战术和小兵团战术,却颇有高明之处,这一点我们应该向他学习。
- Each member of the Campanile training team has a background in language training and business. 在良好互动的氛围中,为企业员工提供易懂实用的培训课程。
- The Key target customer is: National Channel, MAM, SAM, FSM, TSM and sales training team in whole country. 该职位的主要目标客户为:全国客户渠道,本地大客户经理,高级客户经理,路区销售经理,电话销售经理和全国培训团队。
- The RLI Training Team will send the division a check list of what is needed for the orientation program. 扶轮领导学院(RLI)训练团队将寄给分部一份对于该训练计划需要些甚麽的核对表格。
- For this purpose, District education and training team has arranged a CL workshop in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung. 为了这个目的,总会教育训练团队拟在台北,台中,高雄举办一个"认识新领导手册"研讨会。
- Players can now control any companions in their party by changing the battle commander prior to starting the battle. 球员现在可以控制任何同伴在其通过改变党的战斗开始前指挥官的战斗。
- If financial matters can be arranged, the RLI will send a training team to a site within the Division. 如果财务许可下,扶轮领导学院(RLI)将派一个训练团队到该分部的一个上课场所。
- Electronic attack can deceive or desensitize enemy battle commanders through insertion of spurious radar tracks or blot out entire avenues of approach. 电子攻击能够通过伪造的雷达踪迹或者遮盖整个接近路径,从而欺骗或者麻痹敌方战场指挥官。
- Force XXI Battle Command,Brigade-and-Below 美军二十一世纪部队旅及旅以下作战指挥系统
- Demonstration households will be selected and will receive training and technical assistance from the project training team. 将选出示范农户,他们将从项目培训组获得培训和技术援助。