- Calculate Platform Design for Battle Effectiveness Index of Weapon 武器战斗力指数运算平台的设计
- Evaluating Method and Model of Improved Army Integrated Battle Effectiveness Index 改进型部队综合战斗力指数评估方法与模型
- Battle effectiveness index 战斗力指数
- Combat must serves the battle effectiveness improving. 格斗必须服务于提高战斗力。
- Matrix form of Lanchester equation is established.With the example, and by way of effectiveness index mission complete rate, systematic effectiveness is evaluated under the two battle modes. 建立了矩阵形式的多元兰彻斯特方程,引用算例,以任务完成率作为效能指标,比较分析了对抗双方处于平方律和线性律两种作战方式下的效能。
- The establishment of military rewards and punishments regulation provided guarantee to improve battle effectiveness. 而军事赏罚的实行也为提高军队战斗力提供了保障。
- It is significant for us to exert the battle efficiency and improve the battle effectiveness of military FH radios. 对于发挥军事跳频电台的战斗效能、提高其战斗力具有重要意义。
- Anti-ship missiles application research is the key for warships arms to form battle effectiveness. 反舰导弹装备应用研究是水面舰艇装备形成战斗力的关键环节。
- At present, Art-Tech R/C Hobby has a group of battle effectiveness, high diathesis and young blood team workers. 目前已形成一支符合业务发展需要、有战斗力、高素质、年轻化的员工队伍。
- We now come to a page that ranks our keywords by KEI, or Keyword Effectiveness Index. 现在到了我们的队伍;一页的关键词祺、键字或效益指标.
- Prince of Wu followed his suggestion. Late evidence showed that the salve improved battle effectiveness of naval of Wu and defeated Yue's army at last. 吴王接纳了商人的建议。后来事实证明,吴国在与越国打仗时,吴国水军有了这个药膏的保护战力大增,终而击败越军赢得胜利。
- The abundant soldiers with strong battle effectiveness contributed much to the consolidation of the war zones in Sichuan and Shanxi. 南宋川陕驻军兵力来源充足,战斗力强,是川陕战区得以巩固的重要原因。
- The military satellite is viewed as multiplicator of battle effectiveness by military experts,due to its importance in modern high-tech wars. 由于军用卫星在现代高技术战争中的重要作用,它被军事专家誉为作战效能的“倍增器”。
- Conclusion Good health protection before training can improve battle effectiveness and is a key to sanitation duty of assure in Gobi and desert. 结论在作训前做好卫生防护工作是提高部队在高温干旱条件下的作战能力,尤其是戈壁沙漠地区夏季作训卫勤保障的关键。
- A simple method for calculating the standard heats of formation of organic compounds containing carboxide using the inductive effect index is built up. 利用诱导效应指数建立了一个含羰基有机化合物的标准生成热的简单计算方法。
- It is importance for us to exert the battle efficiency and improve the battle effectiveness of FH communication systems. 对正确应用跳频通信系统和提高其战斗效能具有重要意义。
- The thesis studies the elements of assessing the integrative battle effectiveness of spaceflight army with a view on the actual situation of the army. 从航天部队的试验任务实际情况出发,研究了航天部队的综合试验能力评估要素,从评估节点、标准、分值、方法等方面着手,建立了功能完备的评估模型。
- Based on the molecular polarizability effect index,a formula of three parameters was proposed to calculate the boiling point of aliphatic aldehydes and alkanones. 本文讨论了分子极化效应指数[5]与脂肪族醛酮沸点的关系,力求寻找到一个适用范围广,并且具有分子结构特征的计算脂肪族醛酮沸点的计算公式。
- The toss motion is a trouble for amphibious vehicle in sea-way.It may severely affect the battle effectiveness of crew in the vehicle. 摇荡是两栖车辆在海上使用中存在的重要问题,它直接影响着乘员和装备的战斗力发挥。
- The economic effect index brought out by the education policy has become an important reference ground for the standards of the educational policy teleology. 在深刻变革时期,教育活动愈复杂,变化速度愈快,后果影响愈强。