- Bazhou in Xinjiang province 新疆巴州
- Washington responded cautiously to recent clashes involving China's Uighur minority in Xinjiang province. 华盛顿谨慎地回应了近期发生在新疆的涉及维吾尔族的冲突。
- On Monday trouble was also reported elsewhere in Xinjiang province, with protests near a mosque in Kashgar. 据报道,周一在新疆的喀什地区一家清真寺附近的抗议者也出现骚动。
- But its uranium reserves, including mines in Xinjiang province near the Kazakh frontier, are declining. 但中国的铀储量(包括临近哈萨克边境的新疆省的铀矿储量)正在下降。
- He said once Maree drove his car to the river several years ago when they were carrying out a field geological investigation in Xinjiang Province. 他说马兰曾经有一次在新疆开展野外地质考察时将他的车开到河里,哈哈。
- Many Uighurs want an independent homeland in Xinjiang Province and tension can often lead to conflict in this vast, traditionally Muslim province. 许多维族人想在新疆有独立的国家,紧张局势常常导致这个巨大的传统穆斯林省份有冲突。
- Beijing accuses her of instigating the ethnic violence responsible for the deaths of a reported 184 people in Xinjiang province earlier this month. 北京指控卡德尔煽动了本月早些时候在新疆发生的种族暴力事件,导致184人死亡。
- The key technique comes into being on the basis of reserves recalculation of Lunan 1 well in shixi exercise section in Xinjiang province. 关键技术部分由新疆油田石西作业区陆南1井区块储量复算研究的油藏类型再认识部分拓展而成。
- China has accused Ms Kadeer of instigating the ethnic riots which killed more than 180 people in Xinjiang province this month. 中国指控热比娅女士煽动了本月发生在新疆省的种族暴乱,导致超过180被杀。
- Tell us your experiences in Xinjiang. 给我们谈谈你在新疆的情况。
- Using ICETIP we performed business logic reconstruction without any programming for an enterprise in Xinjiang province according to their networking application requir. 提出了一种应用软件可重构和可配置的方法,并对此进行研究。
- Worried officals in China have sent a 100,000-strong flock of specially-trained ducks to its worst-hit area in Xinjiang province in a bid to stop the problem escalating. 在中国,忧心的官员派出一万只训练有素的鸭子去新疆省受害最严重的地区以阻止灾情的扩大。
- She related some of her experiences in Xinjiang. 她讲了讲自已在新疆的一些经历。
- The state news agency Xinhua quoted a senior prosecutor in Xinjiang province (Kasim Mamut) Friday as saying his office had invited hundreds of ethnic Uighur prosecutors to help conduct the probe. 中国官方新华社星期五援引新疆高级检察官的话称,新疆检察机关已邀请数百位维吾尔族检察官员来协助进行调查。
- Through research of mineral processing and purification to one pegmatite in Xinjiang province ,our laboratory had successfully discovered one feasible method on economy and technology. 我实验室通过对新疆某伟晶岩矿石的选矿提纯研究,成功发现了一个经济技术都可行的方法,精矿电气石回收率达到80%25以上,品位90%25。
- Problems of Health Service Work in Farming and Animal Husbandry Areas in Bazhou in Xinjiang and Countermeasures 新疆巴州农牧区卫生工作存在的问题及对策建议
- Increased investment in fixed assets in Xinjiang. 加大在新疆的固定资产投资。
- hetian region in Xinjiang province 新疆和田
- Xiao Yang has gone to work in XinJiang. 小杨到新疆工作去了。
- Schools of higher learning in Xinjiang Province 新疆高等学校