- Study of the Reproductive Hormone Levels of Healthy Women of Different Nationalities in Bazhou Region of Xinjiang 新疆巴州地区不同民族不同年龄段女性激素水平研究
- Bazhou regions of Xinjiang 新疆巴州
- Tectonic movement of Keping block is strong and concentrative active region of Xinjiang M(subscript S)6 earthquake. 柯坪块体内构造运动强烈,它是新疆6级地震主要活动区之一。
- Yingying' head is Integration of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and style of the western region of Xinjiang . 迎迎的头部纹饰融入了青藏高原和新疆等西部地区的装饰风格。
- ZHANG Li,YUAN Lei.Food-habits of wild Bactrian Camels in different regions of the world[J].Environmental Protection of Xinjiang,1996,19 (3):60-64. [3]张莉;袁磊.;世界野双峰驼各分布区食性分析[J]
- Objective: To compare the contents of total flavone in Trachyspermum Ammi(L) Sprague from different regions of the south of Xinjiang. 目的:用超声法提取阿育魏种子中的黄酮并测定其含量。
- Establishment of snow disaster remote sensing monitoring and damage estimation systems in Altai pastoral region of Xinjiang. 新疆阿勒泰牧区雪灾遥感监测体系构建与灾害评价系统研究
- The area of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China occupies 1/6 of national territory, with a great predominance of exploitation and spatial development. 摘要新疆土地面积占国土面积1/6,具有很大的资源开发和空间发展优势。
- Meanwhile, sleet, flurry or moderate snow would hit northwestern parts of the country since Monday, while northern regions of Xinjiang would experience heavy snow or snowstorm. 与此同时,从星期一开始整个中国北部将会有雨雪天气,新疆北部有大雪或者暴风雪。
- Han Chinese who took part in violent riots in China's north-west region of Xinjiang should be punished, a senior official in Beijing said today. 中国一名高级官员今天在北京表示,凡是参与中国西北部地区新疆暴动的汉族人都应该受到惩罚。
- The Fe-Cu metallogenic belt at Chagannur region of Western Tianshan, a key one of Xinjiang, formed during Yili rifting of Carboniferous-Permian time. 摘要西天山查岗诺尔地区是新疆重要的铁铜成矿带,形成于伊犁石炭-二叠纪裂谷。
- Unrest in China's volatile western region of Xinjiang spread to a second city on Monday, with police breaking up fresh protests in Kashgar. 中国西部新疆地区的暴乱星期一扩大到另一个城市喀什葛尔,警察继续打击新的反抗者。
- The east of the southern fringe of Junggar bain Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang is an important oil and gas exploration region in Junggar basin. 摘要准噶尔盆地南缘东段是准噶尔盆地油气勘探的重点地区。
- Jul 10 - Muslims turn out for Friday prayers in Beijing, hoping for a resolution to the conflict in the northwestern region of Xinjiang. 7月10日-穆斯林转向了周五的祈祷在北京,希望为解决冲突的西北地区的新疆。
- Chinese officials announced the latest fatality today (Thursday), saying it occurred in the remote western region of Xinjiang. 中国官员今天(星期四)宣布了这起发生在西部边远的新疆的最新死亡案例。
- China says it has arrested 82 “suspected terrorists” in the western region of Xinjiang for allegedly plotting to sabotage the games. 他们已经在西部新疆地区逮捕了82名据说策划破坏奥运会的恐怖分子嫌疑人。
- Turkey has close ethnic ties with Uighurs, a mostly Muslim Turkic minority in the northwestern Chinese region of Xinjiang. 土耳其与生活在中国西北的新疆、基本上为穆斯林突厥的维吾尔少数民族有着密切的民族纽带。
- He is an authority in the region of chemistry. 他是化学界的权威。
- It will cost in the region of $500. 它大约得花费五百美元。
- Violence in China's restive western region of Xinjiang has left at least 140 people dead and more than 800 injured, state media say. 中国政府报道,西部新疆地区的暴乱已经造成至少140死、800伤的惨况。