- Bear down on a problem 加紧努力以解决一个问题
- The responsibility for her family bears down on a poor widow. 家庭的重担压在一个可怜的寡妇身上。
- She sat down on a tuft of grass. 她坐在一小块草地上。
- They have settled down on a farm. 他们已经在一个农场里定居下来。
- Our torpedo boats bore down on the enemy cruiser. 我方面鱼雷艇向敌巡洋舰冲去。
- An enemy frigate bore down on the sloop. 一艘敌驱逐舰向这只护航舰逼过来。
- You should not always sleep on a problem. 你不要总把问题留到第二天解决。
- The enemy came down on a sleeping village. 敌人袭击了沉睡着的村庄。
- The enemy warship tried to bear down on our small airboat. 敌舰企图逼近我们的小汽艇。
- All out of breath, she plumped down on a chair. 她上气不接下气,扑通倒在椅子上。
- The lecture bore down on economic causes. 那次演讲着重论述经济方面的原因。
- At last we bore down on our fear. 终于,我们克服了恐惧。
- The packed ice bore down on the ship. 浮冰向船逼近。
- His lecture is intended to bear down on the application of acupuncture anesthesia in brain surgery. 他的学术报告打算重点谈针刺麻醉在脑外科方面的应用。
- Financial pressures are bearing down on them. 经济压力正在对他产生影响
- The angry farmer was bearing down on us. 那个怒气冲冲的农民迅速地向我们逼来
- Responsibility for his family bear down on the young man. 养家的重任压在年轻人的身上。
- Children like bouncing up and down on a sofa. 孩子们喜欢在沙发上蹦蹦跳跳。
- I was petrified to see a huge animal bearing down on me. 看见一头巨大的动物朝我冲来,我都吓呆了。
- The owl swooped down on a mouse. 猫头鹰向一只老鼠飞扑过去。