- Camping in summer is just what I have in mind. 夏日野营正是我心里想的。
- Silk is indeed the best bet in summer clothing. 夏令服装的确以丝绸织品为最理想。
- Arrive in summer exactly after spring. 春季以后就是夏季来临。
- I like drinking creamy yoghurt in summer. 我喜欢在夏天喝些酸奶。
- Do she make the bed in the morning? 她是在早上整理床铺吗?
- It is quite nice in summer in Qingdao. 青岛的夏天天气爽快宜人。
- In summer we mow our lawn once a week. 夏天我们一周给草坪刈草一次。
- The patient was writhing on the bed in agony. 病人疼得在床上直打滚。
- It's very hot in summer's midday. 夏天的中午非常热。
- He's always full of cheer in summer. 夏天他总是高高兴兴的。
- Our children go barefoot in summer. 我们的孩子们夏天都赤着脚。
- The patient lay quietly on his bed in the medical ward. 病人安静地躺在内科病房的床上。
- The mountain route is practicable only in summer. 只有在夏季那条山路才可以通行。
- The temperature here reaches up to40 in summer. 这里的温度在夏天可达摄氏40度。
- The blazing sun beats down in summer. 夏日骄阳似火。
- The stream is reduced to a mere trickle in summer. 夏天那条小河的水量减少,成了涓涓溪流。
- The hotel is very full but we can put an extra bed in the room if you want. 饭店客房已经满员,但是只要你愿意,我们可以给你的房间加放一张床。
- Cold tea makes an excellent drink in summer. 在夏天,凉茶是一种很好的饮料。
- The children are barefoot in summer. 孩子们在夏天打赤脚。
- The children are barefooted in summer. 孩子们在夏天打赤脚。