- This returns EOF on error or end-of-file. 该函数对于错误或文件结束都返回EOF。
- Beep on Error 出错报警
- The On Error GoTo 0 statement turns off error trapping. On Error GoTo 0语句关闭错误捕获。
- Tells Windows to discard the character that the user pressed and creates a short beep on the system speaker. 告诉Windows废弃用户按下的字符,并在系统扬声器中产生一个短响。
- Use this form rather than On Error GoTo when accessing objects. 在访问对象时,使用此形式而不是。
- Returns SNMP object value on success and FALSE on error. 成功则返回SNMP的对象值,失败则返回FALSE。
- Returns the newly set value if succeeded, FALSE on error. 成功则返回新设置的值,出错则返回FALSE。
- All three return:nonnull pointer if OK,NULL on error? 三个函数返回:若成功为非空指针,出错为NULL?
- Returns:pointer to pathname of terminal,NULL on error? 返回:指向终端路径名的指针,出错为NULL?
- On Error GoTo ErrhandlerChDrive "B:"ChDir "B:\"ChDir "B:\XLFiles"Workbooks. 您可以集中错误处理通过创建一个或多个处理常见的错误的过程。
- A channel model is set up to dete ct the effect of vehicle speed on error rate. 分析了车辆/列车速度对无线信息传输误码率的影响;
- Whether to transparently failover to other servers on errors. 是否在错误时将明显的故障转移到其他服务器上处理。
- The appeal was on errors of law by INZ and also that of the RRB. 上诉提出了被告方对移民法和RRB条例的违反。
- The calendarnow nearly keeps in step with the season, although there is still on error of26 season, per year. 这种日历现在与季节基本保持一致,尽管每年仍有26秒钟的误差。
- On Error GoTo statement to specify the location of an error-handling routine within a procedure. 语句指定错误处理例程在过程中的位置。
- On error action lets you determine the action when Number of errors is reached. “出错时要执行的操作”允许您确定达到“错误数”时的操作。
- The Err object can be used only with exceptions caught with the On Error GoTo statement. Err对象只能与用On Error GoTo语句捕获的异常一起使用。
- Sets the specified SNMP object value, returning TRUE on success and FALSE on error. 设置指定的SNMP对象的值,成功返回TRUE,错误则返回FALSE。
- Returns a positive MySQL persistent link identifier on success, or FALSE on error. 如果成功则返回一个正的MySQL持久连接标识符,出错则返回FALSE。
- Returns a positive MySQL result resource to the query result, or FALSE on error. 根据查询结果返回一个正的MySQL结果资源号,出错时返回FALSE。