- Famous Professor and educator, one of the creators of Beijing Film Academy, former Vice President and Dean. 著名摄影教育家,北京电影学院知名教授,北京电影学院摄影学院主要创始人之一,该院原副院长兼教务主任。
- Beijing Film Academy in 1978 for further literature writers, editors editorial department of Hainan Teachers College. 1978年在北京电影学院文学系编剧班进修,海南师范学院编辑部编辑。
- Wang Yaofeng, born in Fenyang, Shanxi Province in 1982, he studied in Beijing Film Academy. 王耀峰1982年出生于山西汾阳,毕业于北京电影学院。
- Xiaowang passed the exam and entered the Beijing Film Academy, majoring in film and play performance. 小王考上了北京电影学院,专门学习影剧表演。
- The film is the directorial debut of Zhuang Yuxin, vice-professor at the prestigious Beijing Film Academy. 这部影片由庄宇新导演,他是北京电影学院的副教授。
- Chose your major and department according to application information from undergraduate admission office of Beijing Film Academy. 请按简章中的有关信息填写学习。
- Chen has an MBA from USC, an MA in Cinema Production from Ohio State University and a BA in Cinematography from the Beijing Film Academy in 1982. 陈女士在1982年取得了北京电影学院电影艺术学士学位,后来还取得了南加州大学的工商管理硕士学位和俄亥俄州立大学的文学硕士学位。
- What would they do when they see “Mao” taking acting directions in a Beijing Film Academy classroom amongst those beautiful freshwoman? 看到“毛主席”在电影学院的教室里和年轻美貌的学生一起上表演课;
- Weimin Zhang is an award winning filmmaker and professional cinematographer who is a Chinese Sixth Generation filmmaker and graduate of the Beijing Film Academy. 张伟民教授是一位有著多次获奖纪录的电影制作人,专业电影摄影师。
- There are thousand (probably millions) of young people trying to get into 'schools' like the presitigeous Beijing Film Academy, but with no chance, as the competition too keen! 有成千上万(可能数以百万)的年轻人急切想进入像北京电影学院这样的知名学府,但他们没有机会,竞争太激烈了!
- After graduating from the class of animation in Beijing Film Academy in 1953, he joins Shanghai Animation Film Studio, taking up art direction, script writing and directing positions. 1953年,于北京电影学校动画班毕业后到上海美术电影制片厂工作。历任美术设计、编剧和导演。
- Taiwan贾静雯show host and actress, was born in Taiwan, the native place of Tianjin, attended the Beijing Film Academy, was found to get into line shooters, shooting flavor of love's "sweet妞妞Babao" ads. 贾静雯是台湾女演员与节目主持人,出生于台湾,籍贯天津,北京电影学院肄业,被星探发现而入行,拍摄爱之味公司"妞妞甜八宝"广告。
- Lv Xiaojuan, who majored in screenwriting and graduated from Beijing Film Academy in 2008, writes scripts and edits films now. She lives in Beijing. 吕晓娟,08年毕业于北京电影学院文学系,现主要从事影视剧本创作、后期剪辑工作。
- Beijing Film Academy China Agricultural University 北京电影学院中国农业大学
- Performance institute of Beijing Film Academy 北京电影学院表演系
- Photographic Institute of Beijing Film Academy 北京电影学院摄影学院
- Sound engineer department of Beijing Film Academy 北京电影学院录音系
- International School of Beijing Film Academy 北京电影学院国际交流学院
- Shanghai Theatre Academy Beijing Film Academy 中央音乐学院上海戏剧学院北京电影学院