- I am fascinated with local Beijing culture. 我非常喜欢京味儿文化。
- Read and mail order the English version books of Beijing culture and arts. 各种英文版老北京文化艺术书籍的阅读及邮购服务。
- Lin loved Beijing and Beijing culture because of its unique glamour. 林语堂钟情于北京及其文化,这与这座老城所散发出的独特魅力息息相关。
- The feasibility of establishing the Beijing Culture Industry Investment Fund shall be studied and debated. 设立北京文化产业投资基金的可行性需要研究、论证。
- Series of tourist products shall be carefully designed and developed with a strong element of the Beijing culture but also imbued with the Olympic values. 精心设计和开发具有浓郁北京人文特色、反映丰富奥运理念的旅游产品系列。
- A Beijing Cultural Tours Manual in multiple languages should be published. 印制兼具中外文的《北京文化旅游手册》。
- A Beijing Cultural Tours Manual in multiple languages shall be published. 印制兼具中外文的《北京文化旅游手册》。
- A performance at the Chang'an Theater first got me thinking about the problem of English translation at Beijing cultural sites. 在长安戏院所看的一场演出让我开始想到了北京文化场所的英语翻译存在的问题。
- Subordinated to the Beijing Cultural Relics Adminstration and approved Travel Service in tours concerning cutural relics. 北京文物国际旅行社为上级主管部门为北京市文物事业管理局系中国国家旅游局的已开展文物文化旅游为特色的国际旅行社。
- Harlequin Beijing Cultural Development Co., Ltd. was founded in 2005, the predecessor of Beijing Harlequin-commerce company. 北京禾林文化发展有限公司成立于2005年,前身是北京禾林商贸公司。
- Beijing culture creative industry 北京文化创意产业
- Beijing is a good city for anyone who is interested in culture. 对于喜欢文化艺术的人来说,北京是座很吸引人的城市。
- I stop with my brother while I am in Beijing. 我去北京总是住在哥哥家里。
- Some elder people enjoy Beijing opera immensely. 有些上了年纪的人非常喜爱京剧。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。
- A Beijing cultural tour souvenir design Contest shall be organized, and the high-quality designs that can represent the city's humanistic spirit and meet some real demands in the market shall be introduced. 组织北京文化旅游纪念品设计大赛,并推出若干具有较高艺术水准、浓缩北京人文精神、满足各方面需求的旅游文化纪念品。
- Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world. 北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。
- Many materials and photos showing limbs of serfs mutilated by serf-owners in those years are kept in the hall housing the Tibetan Social and Historical Relics Exhibition in the Beijing Cultural Palace of Nationalities. 在北京民族文化宫的“西藏社会历史资料展”中,有当年被农奴主砍下的农奴肢体等许多实物和照片。
- A Beijing cultural tour souvenir design Contest shall be organized,and the high-quality designs that can represent the city's humanistic spirit and meet some real demands in the market shall be introduced. 组织北京文化旅游纪念品设计大赛,并推出若干具有较高艺术水准、浓缩北京人文精神、满足各方面需求的旅游文化纪念品。
- He has been burning for a chance to visit Beijing. 他一直渴望着有机会参观北京。