- Bernd Landvoigt 贝·兰德福格特
- Melanie: Are you beliver, Bernd? 你有宗教信仰吗?
- Bernd Willenbrock is a pretty lucky guy. 威廉布鲁克是个十分幸运的人,有一份成功的事业,一个可爱的妻子,一个耐心的女朋友,在城市里有一套新房子,在郊区又有一套老房子,可谓丰衣足食。
- Bazykin ;edited by Alexander I.Khibnik, Bernd Krauskopf. 书名/作者 Nonlinear dynamics of interacting populations / Alexander D.
- Thank you so much for your kind comment, Bernd, and best regards from Cozumel. 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。
- Bernd Zabel It went a tremendous amount of effort in engineering and construction, actually, to make it airtight. 在设计和建造的过程中,我们投入了很大的精力,就为了做到完全密闭。
- First and foremost: nobody, not even Bernd Schuster or Ramon Calderon, had counted on Raul returning to peak form and fitness the way he has. 首先也是最重要的一点是:包括主帅舒斯特尔和主席卡尔德隆在内,没有人觉得劳尔需要再把自己的状态和健康状况恢复到巅峰。
- The Downfall, written and produced by Bernd Eichinger, follows Hitler's final days leading up to his suicide. 由伯恩·伊钦格编剧和制作的电影《希特勒的衰亡》讲述了希特勒自杀前最后的一段时光。
- In the team that day in Hamburg were goalkeeper Juergen Croy and defender Bernd Bransch. 在汉堡的那支球队里有西德守门员尤尔根?克洛伊,东德的后卫贝尔德?布兰斯切。
- Bernd Pischetsrieder, Chairman of the Volkswagen Group, ironically his company own Lamborghini. 贝恩德皮舍茨里德,主席,大众汽车集团,具有讽刺意味的,他的公司自己的林宝坚尼。
- Indeed, things would perhaps be going swimmingly - if not for Bernd Schuster at the Bernabeu. 实际上,事情原本应该比现在顺利,如果不是舒斯特尔在伯纳乌的工作实在抢眼。
- Dr. Bernd Blumenberg is President of BYC, the largest investment in the history of the chemical giant BASF. 布铭邦博士,扬子-巴斯夫公司总裁.;扬巴是世界化工巨人巴斯夫有史以来最大的投资项目
- Bernd Heida,Ellerstadt.Method and device for extractive distillation[P].USP:20050199482,2005-09-15. 雷志刚;李成岳;季生福;等.;一种萃取精馏分离叔丁醇和水的方法[P]
- Former Real Madrid coach Bernd Schuster will manage Stuttgart next season. He has signed until 2011. 前皇马教练舒斯特尔下赛季将执教斯图加特。合同签到了2011年。
- Real Madrid boss Bernd Schuster has revealed he is interested in signing Chelsea midfielder Michael Ballack. 皇马主教练舒斯特尔表示他对切尔西中场巴拉克很感兴趣。
- BMW development driver Bernd Limmer says, “I'm completely convinced this is a real M car. 宝马发展司机贝恩德米Limmer说,“我完全相信这是一个真正的M车。”
- Bernd ZabelThe Biosphere in my opinion is really an engineering triumph. It has actually done what it promised, it has created an artificial biosphere. 生物圈二号在我眼里真是一个工程的壮举。它其实已经完成了它的任务,就是创造一个人工生物圈。
- Bernd ZabelThe whole idea to recreate an artificial biosphere was pretty, pretty out there. A lot of people thought it's nuts even to try. 建造一个人工生物圈的想法当时太超前了。许多人都说这种想法几近疯狂。
- But the city was won over by the head of the city's zoo, Bernd Schildger, and a competition was held to select the best design for the new park. 但是伯尔尼动物园园长说服了整座城市,还举办了一场为新公园选择最佳设计方案的竞赛。