- From two perspectives of the repressive aspect of Victorian wifehood and miserable condition of the Creole, this thesis presents a symbolic understanding on the imprisonment of Bertha Mason, a mad woman in Jane Eyre. 从维多利亚时代婚姻中女性受到压抑以及从克里奥尔混血人种在当时的悲惨境遇的两个视角;解读一书中疯女人伯莎·梅森被囚禁的象征含义.
- However, the mysterious,mad woman, Bertha Mason ,who is the unique key person and plays an important role in the novel, is totally deprived of the right of saying and that caused her to be the Other of Silence. 而另一关键人物,神秘的疯女人伯莎·梅森是唯一重要却又被完全剥夺了话语权的人,从而成为一个"沉默的他者"。
- The Mad Woman Bertha Mason and Jane Eyre 疯女人伯莎·梅森与《简·爱》
- The mason was chipping away at the rock with a hammer. 石匠用锤子一点一点地把那块石头击碎。
- He asked the mason to make him a tombstone. 他要求这个石匠给他做一块墓碑。
- Bertha Mason 伯莎·梅森
- The mason flushed the joint with mortar. 泥工用灰浆把接缝处嵌平。
- She watched Bertha gulp down six cups of tea. 她注意到伯莎狼吞虎咽地喝下了六杯茶。
- Bertha Dorset ruined herself by an open falsehood. 白莎·多森用公开的谎言毁了自己的一生。
- "I love music," he told Bertha in the interval. “我喜欢音乐。”幕间休息时他对伯莎说。
- He pedaled off to summon a mason. 他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。
- Bertha was disinclined to treat the matter lightly. 轻描淡写地对待这件事使伯莎感到厌恶。
- Bertha's solitary walk was to the sea. 伯莎孑然一身散步的道路是通向海边的。
- Mason was seated on the broken front steps. 梅森正在前面破败的石级上坐着。
- He never tried to understand Bertha's varied moods. 他从未试图理解伯莎的喜悲无常。
- Miss Mason bought a beautiful car yesterday and must have spent a bomb thereby. 梅森小姐昨天买了一辆非常漂亮的车,她一定花了一大笔钱。
- Bertha blushed to the roots of her hair. 伯莎羞愧得满脸通红。
- Davis and mason used to plough back part of their profits into new equipment. 戴维斯梅森公司过去惯常把利润的一部分投资于添置新设备。
- Bertha is a cute brown and white bear. 柏莎是一只可爱的棕白相间的熊.
- It would doubtlessly do Bertha no harm. 这对伯莎肯定是无害的。