- Bertoh Brecht 布莱希特
- Once, I found him reading Brecht. 他知道各国首都,还认识各国的国旗。
- I had to look up who Brecht was. 曾经我发现他居然看布莱希特,而且我都不知道布莱希特。
- In Germany,Brecht's books were burned and his citizenship annulled. 在德国,他的作品被焚毁,而他的公民身份也被取消。
- There is an interactive relationship between Bertolt Brecht and Chinese drama. 摘要布莱希特与中国戏剧是一种“双向互动”的关系。
- The Alienation Theory” came from Russian Formalism, which is the synonym of Brecht's theatre theory. 陌生化理论”来自于俄国形式主义,是布莱希特戏剧理论的代名词。
- George Brecht Drip Music For single or multiple performance.A source of dripping water falls into the vessel. 剧中乔治场滴水音乐对单项或多项性能。水淋淋的源泉,船是空的编排,分为水船。
- Berlot Brecht advocated use the new skill performance reality, this gave the Expressionism to be conservative. 布莱希特提倡用新的技巧表现现实,这就给表现主义留有余地。
- Bertolt Brecht was born in Augsburg on 10 February 1898 and died in Berlin on 14 August 1956. 布莱希特于1898年2月10日在奥格斯堡出生,1956年8月14日终于柏林。
- The achievements focused on the form of the dramas under the guide of Brecht's theory of "epos drama". 探索剧革新的实绩主要体现在话剧形式上,尤其是在布莱希特的“史诗剧”理论指引下,探索剧突出地显示了对传统戏剧叙事模式的突破。
- Set in 1956 Berlin, this is the story of Bertolt Brecht and the women in his life... German dialogue with subtitles. 背景是1956年的柏林,讲述剧作家布莱希特和他生活中的女人们...
- As Brecht has said, you must think further, after the curtain goes down.What will happen to her? 如布莱希特所说,幕布落下后,你必须进一步的思考,她身上还会发声什么?
- Some 80 percent of Americans say they encounter a speaker of another language regularly, Brecht said. 80%25的美国人说他们经常碰到说另一种语言的人。
- We can see clearly the trace of the interaction between Chinese drama and Brecht from the research between them. 通过布莱希特与中国戏剧的研究,我们可以更加清楚地看到二者相互影响的痕迹。
- The paper discusses the complexity of Brecht's concept, focusing on Verfremdung as medium of formal expression in art. 本文对陌生化概念的复杂内涵进行探讨。特别是对作为艺术形式表现手法的陌生化概念进行分析。
- Some representative playwrights, influenced by Brecht, apply the “defamiliarization” technique to their plays. 笔者在本文中用跨学科的研究方法剖析其理论建构基础,并且进一步阐述这一理论在现代英美戏剧中的应用,从而达到“陌生化”理论与戏剧文学的天然璧合。
- As Brecht put it, "Formalists always regard Verfremdung as a method, but they are ignorant of its essential. 布莱希特曾说:“形式主义者在创作中仅仅把‘陌生化’当作手段,而不了解它的实质。”
- She leans forward and quotes Brecht: "He says, 'He who does not know the truth is only a fool. 何亚俯身向前,引用了布莱希特的话:“他说‘不知道真相的人是个傻子。
- The effect that Chinese drama to Brecht was wide, not only to his dramatic theory, but to his practice work. 在中西文化碰撞中,布莱希特与中国戏剧发生了较为直接的关系,这是一种“双向互动”的关系。
- What do those mean to modern theatre?What does Brecht mean to me/us?What is a "sin"? 我终于明白,布莱希特说的,不只是一套自完其说的理论,而是可行甚至是不断更新的美学。